Page 3 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
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2  ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017                     BUSINESS IN FOCUS                                             3


 Working with our delivery   bring them to fruition. Our first   Geraint Evans (Chairman)   Nirmal Chhabria, Director of Projects
 partners across Wales, we   Bootcamp to Business event   Gorsedd Ltd  SIMEC
 have successfully established   was a huge success and 27   Keith Thomas (Vice Chairman)   John Sheppard, Consultant
 the Welsh Government’s new   businesses have been started   Verve Management Ltd  South East Wales Economic Forum
 Business Wales Advisory service   by young people during
 and volumes are steadily   the year.  Katy Chamberlain, Chief Executive   Steve Hudd, Managing Director
 building. The new service to   This year saw two further   Business in Focus Ltd  SPS Ltd
 growing businesses is gaining   locations added to the property   Jonathan Good, Area Manager
 traction and feedback from   Barclays Bank plc               Appointments since 31st March 2017
 Business in Focus faced    clients on quality and the   portfolio, expanding our
 another challenging year during   impact of the service to new   footprint into Newport and   Dr Charles Smith, Deputy Leader    Gerald Kelly,
 the financial year April 2016   and established businesses is   Rhymney. The portfolio now   Bridgend County Borough Council  Director Professional Services
 to March 2017. Contract wins   positive. During the year we   stands at a value of over   Nicola McNeely, Partner   Sony Global Manufacturing
 had secured the company’s   were asked to augment delivery   £10.5m, housing 301 SMEs   Capital Law  & Operations Corporation
 position for the medium term,   by establishing the Business   and its continued growth is   Victoria Fisher,
 yet following a complete   Wales Entrepreneurship Hub in   testament to our robust client   Robert James, Partner   Local Business Development Manager
 organisational restructure and   Wrexham, a business incubator.   offer and experienced team.  Geldards LLP  Lloyds Bank plc
 relocation of our teams we   Activity has begun with the   Following an intensive   Christopher Richards
 were tasked with mobilisation   facility due to open early in    recruitment programme during   Senior Commercial Manager
 of two new services involving   the New Year.   2016/17, I am extremely   HSBC Bank plc  Retirements
 significantly new elements    proud of the workforce we   John Bevan, Consultant    Jennifer Griffiths retired as
 of delivery.  Our new Start Up Loan team   now boast and would like to   a Director on 5th April 2016
 established themselves well,   take this opportunity to thank   JB Consultancy
 doubling the amount lent to   each member of the team for   Jenny Jones LLB, Partner   David RH James retired as
 £2.3m with more than four   their dedication and support   Morgan Denton Jones  a Director on 26th July 2016
 loans being drawn down each   throughout a demanding year.  Andrew Jones LLB,    Elisabeth Burnett retired as
 week. We continued to enjoy   Cardiff Business Banking       a Director on 26th July 2016
 low default rates and attribute   Following a period of significant   Natwest Bank plc  Haydn Davies retired as
 this to the strong planning and   change, we now look ahead   a Director on 28th March 2017
 forecasting work carried out by   to cementing our status as   Councillor Robert Bevan, Cabinet Member
 our advisors prior to the loan   the premier business support   Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC
 application stage.   organisation in Wales. We
 have a strong foundation on
 The Welsh Government’s    which to build for the long term
 Big Ideas Wales programme   future of the organisation and
 was a new area of work for    its personnel, becoming an
 the company, working with   employer of choice and building
 young entrepreneurs to   our customer base.
 stimulate business ideas and
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