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              myNotes                                 Let’s Get

                                        1  No matter what form their creations take, all artists have similar goals.
                                          Artists explore what it means to be a person—to think, feel, and be.
                                          They’re interested in sharing something of themselves as well as
                                          provoking emotions in other people—their audience. Using a variety of
                                          tools, including words, music, paint, and movement, they make people

                                          laugh, cry, fear, hope, and wonder.


                                        2  People have been using words creatively
                                          for many thousands of years. Storytelling

                                          began long before people invented writing.
                                          Back then, people passed stories along orally. The oldest known written story is a
                                          classic tale, The Epic of Gilgamesh, which pays tribute to an honored king. It was
                                          first written on clay tablets in the late second or early third millennium B.C.E.

                                        3     Today’s storytellers have many ways to share their work: books, plays,
                                          screenplays, magazines, and blogs. Even tweets and text messages can be creative.
                                          Writers can use words, letters, and even emojis to communicate ideas.

                                        4     Writers’ stories describe places, people, and events of all kinds. Some are
                                          fantastic, such as an interplanetary friendship set in the distant future. Others are
                                          more realistic, such as a lonely student struggling to fit in at a new school. Writers
                                          often use dialogue to help readers understand characters’ relationships,
                                          moods, and motives.

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