Page 64 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 64

Lesson  16



                                                       Health is the most important thing in life.

                                                       We see many people having unbalanced diet.
                                                       Stress makes many people’s health worse.

                                                       We can’t avoid stress, but we can reduce it.


                                                                                           most important /
                                                                                         unbalanced / worse /
                     Grammar                                                                avoid / reduce

               *see + object + infinitive or ~ing : Hear, see, watch, notice and similar verbs
                       of perception can be followed by object + infinitive or object + ~ing form.
                              ► I saw her cross the road.

                              ► I heard him going down the stairs.
                              ► Watch me jump over the stream


               1. Do you think you are healthy?
               2. Have you ever had a diet?
               3. What do you do when you’re under stress?
               4. Have you ever been hospitalized? Why?
               5. What do you think is the most important thing for
                 your health?                                                            Vocabulary &

                     Sample Answers                                                avoid  To do something to
                                                                                   prevent something bad from
               1. I’m not sure. I need to have a check-up.                         reduce  To make something
               2. Of course. I’m still going on a diet.                            smaller or less in size,

               3. I go window shopping or eat very spicy food.                     amount or price
                                                                                   be hospitalized  To be
               4. Yes, I’ve been hospitalized for a week because                   taken into a hospital for
               of flu.                                                             treatment
                                                                                   flu  A common infectious
               5. I think the most important thing for my health is                disease which is like a bad
               eating regular meals and exercise regularly.                        cold

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