Page 68 - PowerE-L03-B
P. 68

Lesson  17



                                                              Many people are hooked on television.

                                                              Parents and children spend a large
                                                              amount of time watching television.

                                                              We should stop kids from seeing
                                                              violent movies.

                                                              TV commercials are designed to
                                                              encourage us to spend money.


               *stop + object + (from) + ~ing
                       ► Nobody can’t stop him (from) singing loud in a car.
               *encourage + object + to infinitive
                       ► My parents always encourage me to do what I want.

                                                                                         hooked on / watching /
               1. What programs do you usually watch on TV?                               from seeing / are de-
               2. How many hours do you watch TV a day?                                         signed
               3. Do you think TV commercials provide us with

                 enough product information?
               4. Do you think watching TV is good for kids? Why
                 or why not?                                                             Vocabulary &
               5. What might be a problem when kids watch                                 Expressions
                 violent movies on TV?                                             hooked: If you are hooked
                                                                                   on something, you enjoy it
                                                                                   very much and you want to
                     Sample Answers                                                do it as often as possible
                                                                                   violent: Involving actions
               1. I usually watch news or dramas.                                  that are intended to injure or
               2. I watch TV for about 2 hours a day.                              kill people, by hitting them,
                                                                                   shooting them, etc.
               3. No, I don’t think so. TV commercials show us                     commercial: An advertise-
                 only good aspects of the product.                                 ment on television or radio
               4. I think sometimes watching TV is good for kids

                 because it’s educational. It depends on the program.
               5. Children imitate bad behaviors from violent movies.

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