Page 4 - RSC Privacy Policy
P. 4

The Member’s:           Creating and managing the   Consent required.  We will seek the
                    •  Name             Club's online Membership    Member’s consent on their application
                    •  e-mail address   Directory                   for membership and at each membership
                    •  Telephone                                    renewal. The Member may give or
                        numbers                                     withdraw their consent at any time by
                                                                    using the tool on our website or
                                                                    contacting us by e-mail or letter
                The Member’s            Passing to the RYA for the   For the purposes of our legitimate
                    •  Name             RYA to conduct surveys of   interests in operating the Club and / or
                    •  e-mail address   members of the Club (and    the legitimate interests of the RYA in  its
                                        members of other clubs      capacity as the national body for all forms
                                        affiliated to the RYA). The   of boating
                                        surveys are for the benefit of
                                        the Clubs (and other clubs)
                                        and / or the benefit of the
                Bank account details of   We do not retain any
                the member or other     personal bank details other
                person making           than those supplied on
                payment to the Club     official bank statements

                    •  Name and age     Managing trainees at the    For the purposes of our legitimate
                    •  Address          Club and keeping records as   interests in ensuring that we can contact
                    •  e-mail address   required by the RYA         those being offered instruction and
                    •  Phone                                        provide details of trainees
                    •  Relevant

                    •  Name             Managing instructors at the   For the purposes of our legitimate
                    •  Address          Club and keeping records as   interests in ensuring that we can satisfy
                    •  e-mail address   required by the RYA         ourselves and demonstrate that
                    •  Phone                                        instructors are properly qualified and can
                        Numbers                                     contact those offering instruction and
                    •  Relevant                                     provide details of instructors to
                        qualifications                              members.

               Rickmansworth Sailing Club                                                                                                                                                   Privacy Policy
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