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Officers, Committee and other contacts

                                        Ann Allen
                     Peter Tobin       01494 785360      John Thomson
                    Vice Commodore                       Rear Commodore
                    01494 872571                          07860 208007

            Paul Johnson     John Thomson       David Hurst        Sue Davies
            Hon. Secretary   Hon. Treasurer   Hon. Sailing Secretary   Hon. Membership Secretary
            01923 770691      07860 208007      01753 643645      07831 401749

            Liam Dowling      Amy Francis      Martyn Hawkins      Tim Porter
            Bar Secretary      Committee       Training Principal   Committee
            01494 872830      07714 335035      07951 694673      01494 782198
               Sailing        Social and Events    Class Contacts    Works
              David Hurst      Liam Dowling     Firefly - Ann Allen   Ian Turffrey, Peter Tobin
               Ann Allen         Ann Allen     Int I4 - Ian Turffrey   David Matthews
              Tim Porter        Sue Davies    Laser - David Matthews   Paul Johnson, Paul Hills
              Amy Francis      Janis Dowling   Solo - Paul Johnson   Chris Buckland
             Martyn Hawkins                                   Graham Smith, Richard Foyle
               Bosuns           Webmaster       Child Protection

           John Ashton (Power)   Ann Allen
           David Hurst (Dinghies)                                 Martyn Hawkins
                                                                  Graham Smith
           Honorary Members      Trustees      Assistant Secretary    Trojans
              Peter Axford     Alan Richards   Health and Safety
             Richard Barnes   Martin Smethers   Martin Smethers    Bryony Brock
              Alan Ireland      Frank Weight                      Caroline Webb
              Ian Moore                          07860 352279
                                                                  Martin Smethers
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