Page 1 - RSC November 2019 Bulletin
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November 2019

           Commodore’s Corner

          nce again, it is with sadness that I must report on
     O  the  passing  of  another  former  member  of  the
     Club,  Jeanne  Clogg,  wife  of  a  previous  Commodore,
     John Clogg, who passed away last December. There is                                th
     an obituary further on.                                      Sunday 17  November
     October  has  been  a  quiet  month  compared  with
     others; training has finished for the year. Some of the           in the Clubhouse
     turnouts  on  Sundays  have  been  on  the  light  side,
     which is disappointing as I gather the winds have been         starting at 2.30pm.
     favourable, at least for this time of the year.

     We  are  now  into  the  winter  series,  with  Sunday                  Followed by
     Lunches  being  resumed  on  the  3   November  and
     running  until  the  week  before  the  Christmas  Lunch.            Tea and Cakes
     Just  a  reminder  please  that  the  Duty  Officer  (OOD)
     should be last out, unless they pass that responsibility
     to another member.
                                                                               Would  the  current  holders  of
     The Laying up Supper was supported by 18 members,
     who  all  enjoyed  a  very  convivial  evening  and  an                   any  Club  Trophies  listed  on
     excellent  meal.  Extremely  good  value  at  only  £10  a                page  36  of  the  handbook,
     person. The House Committee are puzzled as to why                         please ensure they are cleaned
     this and other events are not being better supported.                     and  returned  to  the  Club
     Surely it is not the cost that is putting members off, so                 before  the  Prizegiving  on  the
     what is the reason? There is plenty of advance notice
     along  with  reminders.  Possibly  a  subject  that  needs                15th December.
     airing at the AGM.                                        They  should  be  handed  to  a  committee
     On  the  9   October,  there  will  be  a  Bonfire  Party   member please and not just left lying about.
     starting  at  4pm,  arranged  by  Paul  Hills  and  Steve
     Forrester.  Health  and  Safety,  along  with  red  tape
     means  there  will  be  NO  FIREWOREKS,  just  a  bonfire
     and BBQ. Please let Paul know if you are intending to
     come along, so that the correct amount of food can be
     arranged. Please email to

     Arrangements are in hand for the Christmas Lunch and
     Prizegiving on Sunday 15  December. Please book as                                David Leonard
     soon as possible, by the usual means. Tickets are also
     on sale now from behind the Bar.


     RSC Troy Bulletin                                                                                           1                                                                                            November 2019
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