Page 5 - RSC November 2019 Bulletin
P. 5
Fitting out Supper 21st March
Fourteen and Firefly Open 9th/10th May
Open Day, formerly PTBO 17th May
90th Birthday Weekend 27th/28th June
Comet Open 11th September
Membership Renewals Laying Up Supper 17th October
which are due on AGM and Prizegiving 15th November
1 November 2019 Christmas Lunch 13th December
your membership is due on
If the 1 November 2019, you In Memorium
will by now have received your
renewal request by e-mail. Jeanne Clogg
If you think anything is incorrect,
you can either alter it yourself via It is with sadness that we have to
the web site, or you can email report the passing of
JEANNE CLOGG, on the 19 October 2019.
with the updated information. Jeanne was the wife of a former
You will have to log into the web Thanks to the efforts of Paul Hills, Commodore, John Clogg who
site, this will enable you to make the weed cutter is now out of the passed away last December.
Jeanne leaves their children
your payment by BACS (this is the water to be cleaned and have the Deborah, Nigel and Samantha.
preferred way of paying please). leak in one of the side tanks In 1984, John and Jeanne
You can send a cheque, details of repaired. Any offers of help to departed for some years cruising
where to post it are in the email. Jonathan Carter or Paul Hills round the Med in their FinSailor
Please do not leave payment at the please. named Findenisa (the latter part
Club. of the name being the first two
initials of each of their children.
Full instructions as to how to The Club made a donation in
access the Members Section of the John’s memory to the RNLI and
web site are contained within the Samantha has asked me to say
email. Please do not be deterred “that with the donations received
for Dad that went to the RNLI we
from this process as it has been were able to arrange for his name
designed to make life easier all to be inscribed on a newly
round. This system will also make commissioned life boat. I was
other processes within the Club so But before you turn the main pleased to discover that they were
much easier. electricity switch OFF, would still accepting names and
If your renewal is not due now, the you please turn the lights, managed to include Mum’s name
as well!
process will be the same when fridges and any other electrical Seems appropriate that they (or
your membership is due to be appliance OFF. at least, their names) will be
renewed. If you do not, then whoever setting out to sea together many
Thank you for your switches on has to go round and times as the lifeboat heads out on
do it, they often forget, so we
cooperation and use electricity for no reason and MS
understanding waste money!
RSC Troy Bulletin 5 November 2019