Page 75 - Judge Manual 2017
P. 75

waiting outside when they are called to enter the protest committee room. Make
                       sure  they  cannot  hear  the  proceedings  before  they  come  in  to  give  their
                       After  each  hearing,  record  the  decision,  and  file  the  original  protest  form,
                       committee notes, and any other papers received during the hearing. A good
                       system is to use a large envelope for each case, with the protest number and
                       parties noted on the outside of each envelope. When all protests have been
                       heard  that  day,  the  protest  committee  secretary  should  communicate  the
                       results to the results office and the media. In consultation with the chairman,
                       complete the protest results log and post it on the notice board.

                       On  the  last  day,  there  is  usually  a  time  limit  after  a  hearing  to  request  a
                       reopening or redress against the protest committee’s decision from each case.
                       Post  these  decisions  and  the  individual  case  time  limits  for  reopening  and
                       redress promptly on the Official Notice Board, stamped with the date and time
                       of posting.

                       If there is a request for a written decision from competitors, the jury secretary
                       should  ensure  that  a  fully  written  up  decision  is  made  available  for  the
                       competitor to collect.

               J.10  After the Last Race

                       The  protest  committee  secretary,  in  consultation  with  the  chairman,  should
                       ensure  that  all  protests  and  papers  are  filed,  with  the  organizing  club,  for
                       reference. They should be kept for at least six months after the event.

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