Page 72 - Judge Manual 2017
P. 72

•  the daily list of alternative penalties taken;

                       •  access to copies of mark roundings and finish sheets, if needed for redress
                       •  any letter regarding denial of right of appeal or constitution of the international
                         jury is displayed as required by rule N1.8.

                       The jury secretary follows procedures set out by the chairman, such as:
                       •  whether or not the chairman requires the secretary to remain inside or
                         outside the jury room during hearings;
                       •  whether full decisions are to be typed and posted, and the format required;
                       •  whether to accompany the jury on the jury boat or remain on shore.

               J.2  General Daily Administration

                       Attend  meetings  of  the  protest  committee  and  race  committee  meetings.
                       Ensure that all notices to competitors, amendments to Sailing Instructions, etc.
                       are signed by the appropriate officer (the principal race officer, race committee
                       chairman or protest committee chairman), and posted as quickly as possible.
                       Adequate photocopies must be available for competitors.

                       Each day, each member of the protest committee needs photocopies of any
                       new paperwork (amendments, etc.) in their file. The protest committee section
                       of the official notice board must be kept in order.

                       Applications for crew substitutions and haul-out requests must be processed, if
                       the Sailing Instructions specify that these require protest committee approval.

               J.3  Receiving Protests

                       The hours the protest committee desk will be open to receive protests (or notify
                       if elsewhere) must be posted.

                       The  person  receiving  protests  must  never  reject  any  protest  or  request  for
                       redress, whatever form it takes, and whether or not it is received outside the
                       time limit. Only the protest committee may decide whether or not a protest or
                       request is valid, after addressing the various validity requirements.

               J.4  Recording and Copying the Protest

                       On receipt, each protest or request for redress should receive a number, date,
                       time, and the initials of who received it. Record this information on the protest
                       form and in the log of protests received.

                       Make a copy of each protest form for each member of the protest committee,
                       one  for  the  person  lodging  the  protest  or  redress  request,  and  one  for  the
                       protestee.  Keep  the  original  for  the  Chairman.  The  papers  for  each  protest
                       should be placed in an A4 envelope with the details of the protest written on the
                       front of the envelope or a specific form provided by the Chairman.

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