Page 95 - Judge Manual 2017
P. 95

K.23  Recording the Facts and Decision; Rule 14
                       When there is contact between two boats, a rule has been broken. Therefore,
                       the protest committee must, under rules 63.6 and 64.1, find the relevant facts,
                       make a decision and penalize one or more boat(s).
                       In  cases  where  the  contact  caused  damage,  it  is  essential  for  the  protest
                       committee to decide whether the boats fulfilled their responsibilities under rule

                       14.  In  every  case  involving  contact,  a  rule  other  than  rule  14  was  broken.
                       However, rule 14 specifically addresses the obligation to avoid contact between
                       boats. Take care to record the necessary facts to indicate whether either the
                       right-of-way or give-way boat broke rule 14, and whether any penalty applies.
               K.24  Announcing the Decision

                       The protest committee will recall the parties to the protest to announce the
                       decision. Observers and members of the press may be included. The chairman
                       or scribe will read the facts found, the decision, the rules that apply and any
                       penalties imposed. When appropriate, an interpreter will translate the decision
                       for a party.
                       The decision will be to dismiss the protest, to conclude that no rule was broken
                       or that a boat broke a rule and is to be disqualified, unless some other penalty
                       applies. The penalty will apply except when:
                       •  a boat was compelled to break a rule by the actions of another boat
                          breaking a rule;

                       •  a right-of-way boat, or a boat entitled to room or mark-room, broke rule 14
                          but caused no damage; or

                       •  rule 36, Races Restarted or Resailed, applies,
                       Disqualification under these rules may not be excludable (DNE):

                       •  rule 2;
                       •  rule 30.4;

                       •  rule 42, if P2.2 or P2.3 applies.
                       Promptly notify the scorer of all protest committee decisions that affect scoring,
                       and keep a running record of this scoring changes. The IJ Library has a Scorer
                       Notification Form
                       When a party to the protest requires clarification of the decision, this can be
                       given immediately, but no further discussion should be permitted at this time.
                       Any further discussion with a dissatisfied party at a future time, and its content
                       will depend on the experience and confidence of the chairman and members of
                       the protest committee.

                       Permitting an informal discussion with the protest committee and setting a time
                       for this discussion in response to dissatisfaction when the protest decision is
                       announced can often defuse a stressful atmosphere. Conversely, refusing any
                       future discussion can often exacerbate the bad feeling.
                       Alternatively, two protest committee members may be appointed to informally
                       explain a decision.
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