Page 27 - SA Chamber UK - MAY Newsletter 2024
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                                     UBUNTU GLOBAL
              ONLINE EVENT
                                     MONTHLY NETWORKING

                                         Thursday, 30 May 2024
                                          12:00 – 13:00 (GMT+1)
                                          FREE ZOOM SESSION
                                        JOIN OUR SOUTH AFRICAN
                                         BUSINESS COMMUNITY,
                                           REGISTER TODAY.

                    UBUNTU VIRTUAL GLOBAL                          BUILDING A WEALTH CREATION
                           NETWORKING                                         ECOSYSTEM
               Thursday, 30th May 12:00 – 13:00 (GMT+1)        Tuesday, 11th June 2024 11:00 - 12:00 (GMT+1)
            We are pleased to confirm that Angus Begg – former Carte   In  conversation:  How  Entrepreneurs  can  Access  Capital,
            Blanche producer, travel photojournalist, Daily Maverick   with  Jane  Khedair,  Executive  Director,  Institute  of
            contributor,  keynote  speaker  and  private  guide  –  will  be   Entrepreneurship and Private Capital at London Business
            giving  a  short  talk  on  ‘Human  Origins’  at  our  July  global   School and Founder Director of Enterprise 100.
            networking event.

                   THE ANNUAL GALA DINNER                         LEVERAGING GENERATIVE AI (#2)
             Wednesday, 19th June 2024 18:00 - 22.30 (GMT+1)    Friday, 19th July 2024 08:30 - 09:15 (GMT+1)
            The Chamber is delighted to announce that for the third   Join George Honiball for the next event in our four webinars
            consecutive year, our Annual Gala Dinner will be hosted   throughout  2024  focusing  on  “Unlocking  AI:  Essential  Tips
            at the iconic Mansion House, the Official Residence of the   for Boosting Business Success”. Learning about AI can open
            Mayor of the City of London.                      up new opportunities for business growth and innovation,
            Please book now to avoid disappointment.          allowing you to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape.

                                                          BOOK NOW,

                                                 SO YOU DON’T

                                                                  MISS OUT!

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