Page 28 - SA Chamber UK - MAY Newsletter 2024
P. 28


                                                                        30 YEARS OF DEMOCRACY
                                                                In this webinar we hear about the plans for the
                                                                30th  Anniversary  celebrations  of  South  Africa’s  first
                                                                democratic  elections,  which  brought  in  President
                                                                Mandela as the first democratically elected President.
                                                                In London and the UK, the plans for the 30th year
                                                                celebrations cover the arts, culture and business. The
                                                                SA Chamber of Commerce UK, working with the High
                                                                Commission and His Excellency “Kingsley” Mamabolo,
                                                                will be rolling out a series of business related events.

            THIRTY YEARS OF SOUTH AFRICAN                     At this event, academics reflected on the complexities
            FOREIGN POLICY AND UK RELATIONS                   of South African foreign relations and a panel of
                                                              leading practitioners discussed the past and future
            The Chatham House Africa Programme event          relations with the UK.
            celebrating and reflecting on 30 years of post-
            apartheid South African foreign policy and UK relations   Please find the event recording here:
            was held on Friday 10 May 2024.         

            GLOBAL CITIZEN WEBINAR - IN                       Clem was joined by UFS Vice-Chancellor and Principal,
            CONVERSATION WITH CLEM SUNTER                     Prof Francis Petersen, and SACC UK Chairperson,
                                                              Sharon Constançon for a conversation that answers
            The University of the Free State (UFS) and the South African   the question “What does the future hold for South
            Chamber of Commerce UK (SACC UK) presented a Global   Africa’s democracy in the face of the upcoming general
            Citizen Series conversation, Exploring Scenarios: South   elections?”
            Africa’s Democracy in the face of the next general elections,
            from the perspective of Clem Sunter, international best-  Please find the event recording here:
            selling author, futurologist, and scenario planner.


                                                          SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER MONTH 2024
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