Page 6 - Communique Newsletter Spring 2020
P. 6

Introducing New Faculty

                                                               DR. LIN SUN

                                                            Born and raised in China, Lin (Veronica) Sun is going to
                                                            receive her Ph.D. in Communication Studies this summer
                                                            from  the  University  of  Iowa.  As  a  Communication
                                                            technology  scholar,  Lin’s  research  broadly  investigates
                                                            the critical roles of digital technology in the formation of
                                                            online  communities  and  the  organization  of  collective
                                                            action online. Engaging with online fieldwork, her current
                                                            project  investigates  cyber- nationalism in  contemporary
                                                            China. This project argues that contemporary Chinese
          cyber-nationalists  perform  grassroots  connective  action  that  creatively  negotiates  the  state  agenda  to
          reinforce  nationalism  as  the  overriding  moral  standard  for  individuals’  everyday  practices.  This  work
          intervenes  in  critical  debates  on  the  nature  of  online  activism,  critical  technology  studies  and  theories  of
          publics and the public sphere. Before her doctoral study at the University of Iowa, Lin received her M.A. in
          Media,  Culture  and  Communication  at  New  York  University  and  completed  her  B.A.  in  Communication

          Studies and her B.B.A. in Marketing at the University of Iowa.

                    DR. JENNA DELGADO

          Jenna  M.  Delgado  has  been  a  community-based  artist  and
          activist  since  1991,  when  she  began  as  an  actor  and  peer
          educator  with  an  HIV  education  theater  ensemble  in  Los
          Angeles  County.  She  then  spent  several  years  in  social
          services as a trainer for primary medical care givers, teaching
          about socio-cultural issues relevant to the HIV health crisis,
          and worked as a dialogue facilitator in several educational,
          conflict,  and  activist-based  settings.  Currently,  as  a
                                  based artist, she specializes in collaborative art projects within non-profit and grass roots sectors,
          emphasizing critical explorations of lived experience and social justice. Jenna received her PhD from UCLA’s

          Department  of  World  Arts  and  Cultures/Dance.  Her  research  in  community  practice  critically  analyzes
          negotiations  of  subjectivity,  process  pedagogies,  aesthetic  hierarchies;  and  theorizes  the  relationships
          between institutional power, disciplinary authority, and notions of efficacy.  While at UCLA, Jenna worked
          closely with the Art & Global Health Center, collaborating on project development and curriculum design for
          several of its art-based health interventions.

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