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                                                                                                                                                TRUSTCO GROUPUSTCO GROUP

             WHAT WE DO

             Trustco is a diversified dual listed financial services group that invests and operates in sustainable high growth assets in emerging markets.

                                                                   GROUP STRUCTURE

                                                     THE GROUP HAS FOUR OPERATING SEGMENTS

                                          INSURANCE        INVESTMENTS         BANKING AND FINANCE        RESOURCES

                                                                         SHARED SERVICES

                                                                     NAVIGATION TOOLS

                                GROUP PROFILE                              RESOURCES                                  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

                                FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                      SHARED SERVICES                            INCREASE

                                INSURANCE                                  STAKEHOLDERS                               DECREASE
                                INVESTMENTS                                CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                       REMAINS THE SAME
                                BANKING AND FINANCE                        SHAREHOLDERS                               GO ONLINE

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                                                                                                                                                TRUSTCO GROUPUSTCO GROUP

             ABOUT THIS REPORT

             SCOPE AND BOUNDARY              All of these reports are available on the   Trustco has adopted a combined
                                             group’s website at  assurance framework with the aim   Statement of the board of directors of Trustco Group
             The 2017 integrated annual report is                            of optimising, co-ordinating and   Holdings Limited
             addressed to Trustco’s shareholders and   In an effort to support the global drive to   integrating assurance, provided by
             aims to present the group’s business   preserve the environment, only a limited   both internal and external assurance   The board, supported by the relevant board committees,
             performance, ambitions and strategy in   number of reports will be made available   providers on risk areas facing the group.   acknowledges its responsibility to ensure the integrity of
             a balanced and logical description.   in print version.         Combined assurance from internal   the contents of the integrated annual report. The board
             This report includes the sustainability                         assurance providers include executive   has applied  its collective mind to the integrated annual
             report and an accurate account of   The full report is available online as a pdf   and senior management oversight and   report and is of the opinion that the report addresses
             the group’s financial and operational   at        monitoring as well as the internal audit   all material issues and matters and fairly presents the
             performance for the period 1 April 2016                         function. External assurance providers   group’s integrated performance. The board unanimously
             to 31 March 2017.               MATERIALITY                     include oversight from the board and the   approved this report and authorised its release.
                                                                             relevant board committees, the external
             This integrated annual report is   Trustco defines materiality as to what   auditors, the JSE and NSX sponsors.
             prepared under the guidance of the   it considers to be of material interest to
             International Integrated Reporting   current and prospective investors and   Trustco also appointed external auditors
             Framework which has been adopted by   to any other stakeholder who wishes   to assist with the internal audit function
             the board. In addition, it conforms to   to make an informed assessment of   in the group. PwC was appointed in   Adv R Heathcote SC  Dr Q van Rooyen
             other international and local statutory   the ability of the group to generate   respect of the banking and finance   Chairman and   Group managing director
             and reporting frameworks, including the   value over the short, medium and long   segment and EY in respect of the rest of   non-executive director  and CEO
             Listings Requirements (LR) of the JSE   term.  Any informative and material   the group.
             Limited (JSE).                  information after 31 March 2017 has
                                             been included and is identified in the   The annual financial statements were
             The audited annual financial    report where applicable.        audited and signed by the external
             statements (presented separately) were                          auditors, BDO.  Apart from the group
             prepared in terms of the International   EXTERNAL ASSURANCES    auditors, additional external audit firms
             Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).    AND APPROVAL           provided external assurance to the
             It also complies with the South African                         board, being BDO Mauritius in respect of
             Institute of Chartered Accountants   It is the responsibility of the board   the Mauritian business, Moore Stephens
             (SAICA), financial reporting guides,   of directors to ensure the integrity   International in respect of the Sierra
             as issued by the Accounting Practices   of the integrated annual report.  The   Leone business and Deloitte in respect
             Committee, financial reporting   board, assisted by the audit and risk   of the banking and finance segment.
             pronouncements, as issued by the   committee, approved this report and
             Financial Reporting Standards Council,   have taken steps to ensure the integrity
             and in the manner as required by the   of its content.
             Companies Act of Namibia.
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