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12       INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2017                                                                                            TRUSTCO GROUP




             In essence, auditing the group is an assessment of the group’s current position – what assets are
             in hand and what we’ve experienced during the past year. Risk governance is an assessment of
             the unknown – what can we place on the table to ensure our continued success.
             As such, it reminds one of a game of poker. On the one hand, you need to know your current
             position – what cards you have in hand, what assets you have available to bet, what plays were
             made by other players and how they affect your performance. Only by properly auditing your
             current position, can one move forward with confidence. You need to make sure proper controls
             are in place to prevent chips from falling off the board. You must understand the strength and
             weaknesses of the cards in hand – know what assets to be deployed against strategies you’ve
             seen in the game – or in the market. But, that is only one half of the game.

             Now that you know what you’ve got, you must decide what you can place on the table – what
             to bet, without placing your continued presence in the game. Even sure bets and the best cards
             can be dealt a bad hand, and to stay in the game, those risks must be mitigated. It is a game                        WINTON GEYSER
             of probabilities, much like risk governance. Yet, without a certain amount of risk, there can be
             no return – and that is the ARC’s primary function. What can we risk in the group to ensure                          CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT
                                                                                                                                  AND RISK COMMITTEE
             sustainable above average wealth creation for all stakeholders?
             Risk in itself is not bad,  except when risk is mismanaged, misunderstood or mispriced.  We are
             entrusted to ensure bets are correctly placed, bets that might affect the future of the group. The
             board of directors determines the risk tolerance for the group and the ARC is constantly testing,
             monitoring and implementing safety measures to ensure that the risk tolerance of the group is   Risk is not only measured in monetary value, but reputational risk is also of great importance.
             not enthused. As such, the risk tolerance of the group is clearly identified and defined.    Are we a responsible player in this game and in the market? How the group’s actions are perceived
             To assist management to identify risk indicators, the ARC is informed of the risks and exposures   by others in the market adds another layer of responsibility to being a good corporate citizen.  The
             which the company may face.  The ARC is also updated regularly on the company’s strategic   environment in which a company operates, the social impact it has, the economic impact and
             objectives, procedures and evaluations.                                  overall influence are all factors that must be considered when measuring risk.

              13 13    INTE                                                                                                                     TR
                                                                                                                                                TRUSTCO GROUPUSTCO GROUP

             To be a good corporate citizen might be attainable, or even achievable through regulatory   process, we could be betting blind! We are constantly briefed on how management is embedding
             enforcement, but being a good corporate citizen is not good enough. Trustco holds itself to a   a culture of good governance and ethical behaviour.  Although embedding such a culture does
             higher standard, where good is not good enough, but aims for better.     not guarantee that the group will achieve its goals, the lack of such culture provides greater
                                                                                      opportunity for error or improprieties to occur.
             All the discussions of risk are for naught if we do not know that we have a solid base of assets
             to operate from – to execute our betting strategies. Know thyself, the saying goes, and Trustco,   Trustco is not a company that engages in a “box-ticking” exercise to ensure compliance, but
             a company with an integrated structure, encourages transparency, cooperation and integration   rather sees compliance as a means to enhance shareholder return.  As chairman of the ARC, I can
             between the external and the internal audit function. This enables the ARC to get a clear   congratulate the company for actively pursuing good governance principles, cultivating a culture
             understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the group’s internal control management   of excellence, and at all times being transparent.
             systems.  Any identified weaknesses are dealt with immediately.
                                                                                      I would like to use this opportunity, to thank all members of the committee for their considerable
             To ensure our risk assessments are current, the ARC maintains an ongoing responsibility   effort and the devotion with which they have executed their duties during the year.  The
             to assess and maintain the effectiveness of the control framework, and therefore gathers   management of internal audit, risk and compliance does not always have an easy task. They
             information from management and also from the external and internal audit as part of its   often experience challenging views and opinions from management, but their dedication and
             assessment process.  This leads to the ARC challenging and testing management as well as the   resilience is truly commendable.
             external and internal auditors on any assessment they may have made.  Without this critical
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