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                                                                                                                                                TRUSTCO GROUPUSTCO GROUP
              16 16    INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2017GRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2017                                                                   TR


                ADV R HEATHCOTE SC (52)                     WJ GEYSER (57)                               R TALJAARD (57)
              Namibian Citizen                            Namibian Citizen                             Namibian Citizen
              APPOINTED 29 September 2010                 APPOINTED 29 September 2010                  APPOINTED 5 July 2012
              QUALIFICATIONS                              QUALIFICATIONS                               QUALIFICATIONS
              BA                                          BCompt                                       BEcon
              LLB                                         BCompt (Hons)                                FCII
                                                          CA (SA)                                      FIISA
              ROLE AT THE COMPANY
                •   Chairman of the board of directors of Trustco Group    ROLE AT THE COMPANY         ROLE AT THE COMPANY
                  Holdings Ltd                              •  Member of the board of directors of Trustco Group Holdings Ltd  •  Member of the board of directors of Trustco Group Holdings Ltd
                •   Chairman of the nomination committee of Trustco Group   •  Chairman of the audit and risk committee of Trustco Group   •  Member of the audit and risk committee of
                  Holdings Ltd                                Holdings Ltd                                  Trustco Group Holdings Ltd
                                                            •  Member of the remuneration and nomination committee of   •  Chairman of the remuneration committee of
              EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE                        Trustco Group Holdings Ltd                    Trustco Group Holdings Ltd
              Adv Heathcote is an admitted attorney of the High Court of Namibia   •  Chairman of the board of directors of Trustco Life Ltd  •  Member of the board of directors of Trustco Life Ltd
              and was an acting judge of the High Court of Namibia in 2005, 2007,   •  Member of the audit and risk committee of Trustco Life Ltd  •  Chairman of the audit and risk committee of Trustco Life Ltd
              2009 and 2011.  Several of his judgments have been reported in both   •  Chairman of the remuneration and nomination committee of   •  Member of the remuneration and nomination committee of
              the Namibian and South African Law Reports.  Adv Heathcote is a   Trustco Life Ltd            Trustco Life Ltd
              member of the Society of Advocates and was honoured by being   •  Chairman of the board of directors of Trustco Insurance Ltd  •  Member of the board of directors of Trustco Insurance Ltd
              appointed as senior counsel in 2009. Adv Heathcote served as the   •  Member of the audit and risk committee of   •  Chairman of the audit and risk committee of Trustco Insurance Ltd
              president of the Society of Advocates.           Trustco Insurance Ltd                     •  Member of the remuneration and nomination committee of
                                                            •  Chairman of the remuneration and nomination committee of      Trustco Insurance Ltd
                                                              Trustco Insurance Ltd
                                                          EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE                     EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE
                                                          Mr Geyser is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered   Mr Taljaard has vast experience, of more than 27 years, in both the short and
                                                          Accountants.  He held the position of assistant manager at the audit   long term insurance industries. After completing his FCII studies,
                                                          firm Deloitte, Haskins and Sells (now Deloitte) and later joined their   Mr Taljaard was allowed as a fellow member of the Insurance Institute
                                                          financial management services division where he provided accounting   of South Africa and Namibia. He held various senior positions within the
                                                          assistance, taxation and estate planning to a number of individuals and   industry including managing director at Swabou Insurance, Nasria, Harvest
                                                          companies.  Since then he has performed consultancy work and has   Reinsurance Company, Trustco Insurance and Trustco Life. He served on the
                                                          held various senior positions.  Mr Geyser currently holds the position of   board of Trustco Insurance from 2000 to 2006, was appointed to the board
                                                          group managing director of Epic Holdings (Pty) Ltd and various other   of Trustco Group Holdings in 2012 and to the board of Trustco Insurance and
                                                          directorships in Namibian companies.         Trustco Life as an independent non-executive director in 2013.

              17 17    INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2017GRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2017                                                                   TR
                                                                                                                                                TRUSTCO GROUPUSTCO GROUP

                                                                                                              FJ ABRAHAMS (42)
             BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                            EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND
                                                                                                           GROUP FINANCIAL DIRECTOR
                                                                                                           Namibian Citizen
                                                                                                           APPOINTED 22 August 2006

                                                                                                           EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                           Mr Abrahams completed his articles in 1999.  During this period he
                                                                                                           accumulated experience in the financial sector and serviced various
                J MAHLANGU (49)                              DR Q VAN ROOYEN (52)                          client audits.  Mr Abrahams was appointed as group financial
                                                                                                           manager of Trustco in 2000 and subsequently group financial director
             INDEPENDENT, NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR           EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, GROUP                       in 2004. Mr Abrahams assumed the role of group treasurer in 2013.
             South African Citizen                         MANAGING DIRECTOR AND CEO                       He was re-appointed as group financial director in 2017.
             APPOINTED 4 February 2013                     Namibian Citizen
             QUALIFICATIONS                                APPOINTED Acquired Trustco in 1992
             BCom (Acc)                                    QUALIFICATIONS                                     QZ VAN ROOYEN (31)
             BCompt (Hons)                                 BIuris
             CTA and CA (SA)                               LLB                                             ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE
                                                           DBL (Honoris Causa)                             GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR
             ROLE AT THE COMPANY                           Business Leadership and Entrepreneurship (IUM)  Namibian Citizen
               •  Member of the board of directors of                                                      APPOINTED 16 March 2016
                  Trustco Group Holdings Ltd               AWARDS                                          QUALIFICATIONS
               •  Member of the audit and risk committee of Trustco Group   2003:  Voted “Business Communicator of the Year”  BCom (Law)
                 Holdings Ltd                                2007:  Voted second “Most Admired Business    LLB
                                                                Personality of the Year”
             EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE                        2012:  Voted Top 10 “Most influential individuals in Namibia” –   AWARDS
             Mr Mahlangu completed his articles with PricewaterhouseCoopers      The Villager newspaper      2014:  Ranked the “Fittest Man in Africa” at the CrossFit Games
             (PwC) in 1996.  He joined the Office for Serious Economic Offences   2014:  Inducted into the prestigious Namibian Business Hall of   held in South Africa
             in 1998 and in 2000 returned to PwC where he was appointed as   Fame, under the auspices of Junior Achievement Namibia   2014:  Ranked 42nd in the international Reebok CrossFit Games
             head of the PwC Forensic Services practice in Gauteng and was   and the Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry  “Fittest on Earth”
             later admitted as a partner in 2002.  Mr Mahlangu further excelled   2015:  NMA Newsmakers Awards - winner of the entrepreneurs   2014:  Inducted into the prestigious Namibian Business Hall of
             by starting his own company, Ligwa Advisory Services, and has a   category                          Fame, under the auspices of Junior Achievement Namibia
             diverse client base.  He has performed audit and forensic related   2016:  PMR Africa - diamond arrow award for outstanding service   and the Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
             assignments internationally and in addition carried out various   and contribution to economic growth and development of
             statutory appointments.                            Namibia                                    EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                           Mr van Rooyen joined Trustco in 2010 after the completion of his
                                                           EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE                        studies with the main purpose to gain experience in the company.
                                                           Dr van Rooyen’s business acumen, skill and leadership are the   Showing a natural flair for business he soon thereafter took up
                                                           determining factors that transformed the group into a successful   a position within the finance and education segment in 2011.
                                                           dual listed entity.  His creative approach to life makes the mundane   He specialised in the determination and execution of strategy,
                                                           extraordinary.  He has a fearless attitude towards challenges   including focusing on and developing acquisitions within the
                                                           that makes him an easy leader to follow.  His talent and passion   segment.  Mr van Rooyen was appointed as head of the Namibian
                                                           is to create products and services that are sustainable, socially   operations in 2013 and subsequently appointed to serve on various
                                                           responsible and that will yield extraordinary wealth for stakeholders   boards of subsidiaries within Trustco.  In November 2014 he took
                                                           by harnessing opportunities in Namibia and throughout Africa.    charge of the insurance and investments segment and following his
                                                           Dr van Rooyen whole-heartedly believes that the full potential of   success therein was appointed as head of group business in October
                                                           Africa is yet to be realised and that change is the spice of life.  2015. He currently holds the position of deputy CEO of the group in
                                                                                                           addition to his role as group head of the investments segment.
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