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               This research also highlights how important a company’s own culture is when choosing the
               structure that best aligns with established protocols and team dynamics. Structural choices
               can also be infl uenced by a company’s Multicultural marketing life stage. For example, are
               you just beginning or well advanced? As programs evolve, structures may change in response
               to growing or shifting needs, such as the strengthening of internal Inclusive and Multicultural
               marketing knowledge and capabilities.

               Finally, AIMM’s fi ndings underscore that structures are only one piece of the puzzle. They are
               only as good as the people, processes, and protocols which make them up. No matter the
               structure, a company’s Multicultural marketing strengths will be dependent upon empowered
               team members — internal, external, or both — with deep culturally-specifi c insights and
               expertise. As an analogy, imagine a medical center, able to take on general health issues, but
               also structured to connect patients with specialized practitioners such as ophthalmologists
               and cardiologists. From a marketing standpoint, specialists are critical to getting to the
               core of what makes diverse consumers tick. It’s important to note that talent development,
               recruitment, and retention are also essential aspects of strong and sustained organizational

                             No matter the structure, a company’s Multicultural

                          marketing strengths will be dependent upon empowered
                         team members — internal, external, or both — with deep
                                   culturally-specifi c insights and expertise.
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