Page 11 - MBUSD Handbook for New Families
P. 11
Information for Secondary Families
Registration Mira Costa High School Office Hours
Information for Mira Costa High School Office hour Wednesdays are scheduled
registration can be found here. Manhattan throughout the year so students have the
Beach Middle School registration information is opportunity to meet with teachers during the
available at the school office. school day. Each class is shortened to allow for
morning and afternoon office hours.
When registering, you will need:
Birth certificate School Counselors and College
Immunization record - For 7 grade: Career Center (CCC)
Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis
Booster (Tdap); Varicella (Chickenpox) The Counseling team consists of five Guidance
Parent/Guardian’s State Driver’s License Counselors, three College and Career
or Passport Counselors, and two Student Academic Support
Driver licenses are given through the Counselors. Each student works with one
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Guidance Counselor throughout their four years
Find a local DMV office or make an at MCHS. The Guidance Counselors are
appointment by phone (800) 777-0133 or assigned by last name and provide holistic and
online. proactive services which contribute to each
student’s educational, vocational, and
Aeries Portal (Grade Information personal/social development. Students also
MBMS and MCHS parents and students can have the opportunity to meet both during or after
view student academic progress. MBUSD school with the College and Career Center
administrators advise signing up to receive counselors to plan for post-graduation.
weekly updates on your child’s progress. To
access Aeries, go to Link Crew Link Crew is an organization comprised of
juniors and seniors who are passionate about
Manhattan Beach Middle School helping others. They focus on providing help for
(MBMS) Electives/Wheel incoming freshmen during their first year of high
school. Link Leaders serve as mentors to the
Students may select a year-long elective or freshmen, offering advice, providing tips, and
participate in their grade level wheel which is answering questions.
comprised of four classes that rotate throughout
the year. Options include but not limited to: Art, Associated Student Body (ASB)
Film, Language, Coding, Music, Technology, The ASB is a formal organization of students
Marine Biology, Creative Writing, Journalism, that support the students and the school through
and STEM. Some classes require an audition or extracurricular events. At the start of each
application. school year, students are asked to purchase
“ASB” cards that allow each cardholder to
Where Everyone Belongs (WEB) participate in activities and/or events throughout
At the middle school, WEB is a program where the year. The ASB Summer Special is a
8 graders mentor 6 graders and help them discounted package which includes a Stampede
through the transition from elementary school. t-shirt, Yearbook, a Planner and ASB Marker.
The online ASB store can be found on the Mira
Costa website.