Page 8 - MBUSD Handbook for New Families
P. 8

Board of Trustees                                     PTA/PTSA
        MBUSD's Governing Board, also known as                Each school has its own Parent Teacher
        "School Board," is comprised of                       Association (PTA) or Parent Teacher Student
        five members who are elected by the public in         Association (PTSA) that is actively involved in
        order to provide leadership and citizen oversight  supporting the education of children.  In addition
        over the district.  While ensuring that MBUSD is      to maintaining site-specific programs, purchasing
        responsive to the values, benefits, and priorities    teaching/classroom supplies, and providing
        of the community, the Board works with the            technological and capital improvements on each
        Superintendent and sets the direction of the          campus, the PTA/PTSA may also:
        district. Board meetings are open to the public
        and a schedule, along with corresponding                    Organize fundraisers
        minutes, can be found on the MBUSD website.                 Serve as volunteers in the classroom
        Board meeting minutes and scheduled meetings                Support spirit assemblies and other school
        can be found on the MBUSD website.                           activities

        MBEF                                                  Each PTA/PTSA is a self-governing organization
        Manhattan Beach Education Foundation (MBEF)           that operates within the parameters of state law
                                                              and the national organization (  To
        was founded in 1983 by a group of concerned
        parents and community leaders who recognized          get involved and provide support for the school,
                                                              visit your site’s website and click the “Join our
        the need to supplement our limited state funding      PTA/PTSA” button.
        for education.  MBEF is a nonprofit organization
        that relies on donations from parents, local          California law requires classroom volunteers to
        businesses, and community members to fund             turn in a TB screening to the school health office
        programs that inspire learning, enrich teachers,      prior to volunteering in the classroom.
        promote innovation, and academic excellence.
        Each year, MBEF invests over $6 million to            Directory Spot (Parent and Teacher
        ensure our students have access to enrichment         Contact Information)
        opportunities in STEM, Music and the Arts,            Parents who join the PTA can download the
        Physical Education, Reading Enrichment,               Directory Spot app and have access to parent
        Guidance Counselors, and Libraries. To learn          contact information including parent names,
        more about MBEF and its impact, please visit          addresses, email addresses and phone numbers                                         as well as teacher contact information.

        MB/X Foundation
        The MB/X Foundation is a nonprofit organization           Make sure you sign up for your school
        that coordinates numerous secondary Booster               PTA/PTSA’s weekly newsletter by
        Clubs (to support athletics and other organized           clicking on the links below:
        groups.  Their efforts to raise money in support
        of their athletic or extra-curricular activities.                        Grand View

        Donations received are directed to the Booster                              Pacific
        Club. MB/X also administers after-school
        enrichment classes at the elementary schools                             Pennekamp
        and a high school summer school.  To learn
        more, please visit                                                         Meadows .                              Manhattan Beach Middle School

                                                                           Mira Costa High School


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