Page 5 - MBUSD Handbook for New Families
P. 5

Information for Everyone

        School Calendar                                        School Lunch
        The school year typically starts the third week of     Students may either bring lunch from home, or
        August and ends in mid-June.  Students attend          purchase lunch at school.  School menus can be
        180 days of school. The complete school district       found at  You may
        calendar is available on the district website.         set up your child’s lunch account online through
                                                      where you will be able
        School Schedules                                       to make online payments.  Your student may be
        Each school has its own start and end time.  To        eligible to get lunch for free or pay at a reduced
        find out the specific start and end times for your     price.  Eligibility is based on your family’s income.
        school, visit the school’s website.                    Information on applying for free or reduced
                                                               lunches can also be found at
        Wednesday Schedules                          
        All MBUSD schools follow a different schedule on
        Wednesdays.  Elementary schools dismiss early,         Home School Communication
        Manhattan Beach Middle School (MBMS) has               A strong home-school partnership promotes
        “late start”, and Mira Costa High School’s             academic and social growth.  On going
        (MCHS) schedule varies each Wednesday.                 communication occurs through newsletters,
        Check your school website for times.                   emails, telephone calls, and via your school and

        When school is shortened on Wednesdays,                district websites.  In the fall, schools host Back to
        teachers use the additional time to improve            School Nights where families learn about the
        student learning through teacher and staff             upcoming year.  In the spring, learning is
        development and focused school improvement             showcased at Open House.
        efforts.  Grade level and subject teacher teams
        use this time to review student assessments
        results.  This effort helps teachers personalize       California state law requires school age children
        learning for the students.                             to receive specific immunizations in order to
                                                               attend school.
        Minimum Days                                             For Kindergarten:  Polio; Diphtheria, Tetanus,
        The students attend minimum days (dismissal            and Pertussis (DTaP); Measles, Mumps, and
        times vary by site) on the day after Back to           Rubella (MMR); Hepatitis B; and Varicella
        School Night, Open House, and the last day of          (Chickenpox).
        school.   Check your school site for times.
                                                               For 7  grade:  Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis
        There are also elementary school “early release”
        minimum days during parent-teacher conferences         booster (Tdap); and Varicella (Chickenpox).

        in January and Fountas and Pinnell (F&P)               Vaccinations are available at Torrance Health
        Reading Assessment Week in December and                Center (free) at 711 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance or
        May.  Check MBMS and MCHS website for                  the CVS Minute Clinic (fees apply) at 2900 N.
        additional minimum days throughout the year.           Sepulveda Blvd., Manhattan Beach.

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