Page 7 - Leadership Miami Project
P. 7

4WRDMIA will utilize multiple outlets for fundraising to achieve expected targets. The primary arm of fundraising, which we expect to account for 51% of total donations required, will come fieldwork activity including meeting with and presenting our project to corporate business leaders within Miami for monetary donations, as well as door-to-door campaigning to appeal to business owners located in close proximity to ABF Learning Center by demonstrating how impactful the school is to the local community and how the businesses can help.
Our fundraising event at Growler’s USA in Wynwood will allow us to have a branded, custom- crafted microbrewed 4WRDMIA ale. Any sale proceeds during the event will go toward our funding goal. In order to make this event successful and ensure high attendance we will be teaming up with Love Hope Music to provide free entertainment at the event. We will also feature a silent auction for items that we are able to have donated such as tickets, artwork, and gift baskets to raise additional money. We expect this event to contribute to 19% of our total fundraising goal.
We plan to create a holiday fundraising campaign upon approval of the project to begin the flow of capital for the project. The team will make use of South Florida Progress Foundation's online giving platform and the campaign will continue past the holiday season and will allow members of 4WRDMIA to collect donations from friends and family online. We expect 12% of our total fundraising goal to be from our online campaign.
Our final fundraising activity will be to collect in-kind donations and labor. 4WRDMIA will reach out to businesses that may be able to provide materials on our list of necessities to complete our project. We will also reach out to local nonprofits that may be able to help us with our manual labor, materials, implementation, and sustainability.

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