Page 13 - Howard Initiative - The Frederick Legacy
P. 13
Statement of Educational and Professional Objectives
I aspire to become Secretary General to the United Nations.
The UN Charter describes the Secretary-General as the organization’s “chief administrative officer” while the UN website describes the Secretary-General’s role as “equal parts diplomat and advocate, civil servant and CEO”.
Article 99 of the UN Charter says the Secretary-General “may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”
In other words, Article 99 requires the Secretary-General to be a combination of “activist” and “bureaucrat” to do their job
effectively. There is a balance needed so these produce a good SG and I researched the last 9 Secretaries General of the UN to compare and contrast their strengths and weaknesses. More specifically, I noted that where individual SGs were ousted one common thing obtained - they were strong activists but weak bureaucrats, or vice versa.
Such strongly suggests that for me to become Secretary General, I have to be strong, both administratively and “interventionally”.
I hope to be accepted at Howard, not only to hone my skills and deepen my education but in enabling my Systems for Peace, besides Howard University benefitting, I will acquire educational capacities, administrative skills and interventional competencies that I will need as Secretary General
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Concept Brief, Page 13