Page 53 - MDS final deliverable
P. 53
Providing meaningful work experience for MDS participants while expanding MDS revenue streams
A MDS created social enterprise will provide opportunities to employ participants in meaningful work while also expanding MS's revenue streams. The social enterprise can utilise existing assets and capabilities within MDS. Examples include a kitchen that creates healthy packed lunches that can be served to the MDS community and the wider community, a coffee shop or a holiday respite service for participants with disabilities (including MDS participants).
Existing examples: Our Big Kitchen (community kitchen that feeds people in need) and Print35 (printing company that employs people with mental disabilities). Resources required: MDS project team, business model, MDS participants | Existing resources: MDS café and kitchen, MDS knowledge
Scalability: If the social enterprises are successful within MDS, they can be scaled to serve the wider community.
Participants can gain meaningful employment and generate an income
Social enterprise
Create services for MDS and wider community
• MDS is looking for new revenue streams as NDIS makes it difficult to grow the business – the social enterprise is an opportunity to increase revenue in a way that doesn’t replace the core business, but instead compliments it. The social enterprise can also be scaled if it is successful.
• A social enterprise will be able to provide participants with employment opportunities and generate an income, aiding them on their journey to independence.
• The social enterprise would provide participants with practical training in work and life skills (depending on their individual requirements and growth paths) and ensure they develop expertise that they can utilise in the future.
• The social enterprise is also a way in which MDS can promote itself and its mission.