Page 33 - Aidlink AR 2021
P. 33

Approximately 32.45 million people ipneKoepnleya,rienlcivluindginwgi5th4o2u,0t0b0asic cahcicldesresntoacrelefaono,dsainfesedcruinrkeinangd swuaffterinfagciflritoimes aincuUtgeamndaaln. uWtraiteiorn.
is essential in allowing children, families and whole communities to develop and thrive.
 In Napak Karamoja, 3 boreholes were constructed providing 2,144 people access
to safe and cleaner water within 2km of
their homes. Water User Committees were established and trained on the operation and maintenance of the borehole and pump in each community. In Masaka, 2 shallow wells were protected providing 1,460 people with access to clean water.
As a result, water collection is now taking less time, reducing the burden, particularly on women and girls, and allowing time to be spent on other activities such as farming and schooling. Local access to water is also contributing to improved domestic hygiene and sanitation, reducing the spread of common diseases associated with drinking unsafe, dirty water and contributing to Covid-19 safety measures.
Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 31
Children washing hands in school in Kyankwanzi, Buganda, Uganda. Photo credit ARUWE

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