Page 34 - Aidlink AR 2021
P. 34

Girls are disproportionartely affected by water and sanitation shortages, making it harder
for them to attend school and lead safe, productive and healthy lives.
 Girls in St. Mark Kaiungatuk Primary School, Karamoja, Uganda. Photo credit VAD
  With the aim of reducing the burden of water collecting and the risk that it carries for girls, we provided water in schools to increase the buy-in for girl child education and improve whole communities’ access to water.
In Kyankwanzi, Buganda, 1 borehole and water pump were installed in a primary school providing 644 children and their families with access to water. 2 rainwater harvesting tanks were installed in two schools in Masaka, Buganda, providing 1,000 students with
water on site. In Napak, Karamoja, 2-semi permanent classroom blocks (structures made
from timber, with an iron roof and cemented base) were built creating a safe and protected learning space for 900 students.
“Now, I am going to love my school more because one of the biggest barriers at school has been solved. I don’t have to spend my break and lunch time trekking to the pond to fetch water anymore. I can actually get time to rest and feel refreshed during my lessons. I am so happy!”
Sarah, a pupil from a target school in Buganda shared when the water was first pumped from the new borehole.
Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 32

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