Page 35 - Aidlink AR 2021
P. 35

   Anna is 13 years old and attends St Maria Gorreti Community Primary School Napak, Karamoja, Uganda. Anna’s school is 2km from her home and has a gender-sensitive latrine and a borehole.
Anna is confident that once she finishes primary school she will continue to secondary school. “When I grow up,
I want to be a teacher. Teachers are very well respected in our community, and they are very smartly dressed!”
Some of Anna’s peers are not in school “Some parents keep their children at home, you find boys grazing cattle and girls fetching water and doing other household chores.” This upsets Anna as she wants all children her age to come to school, be in a safe environment and enjoy their right to education.
Aidlink Annual Report 2021 | 33
Water in School
 My school has a nice latrine with a bathing shelter where girls have privacy, especially during menstruation, where they can change. Having a borehole
in school has made life a lot easier.
We have clean water to drink and use for cooking, which makes us healthier.”
Photo: Anna, St Maria Gorreti Community Primary School Napak, Karamoja, Uganda. Photo credit VAD

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