Page 11 - Rage Issue1
P. 11

Types of Plastics:

          #1 PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate
           PET or PETE, as it is also known, is commonly used for fizzy drinks, water bottles and
          salad trays. PET is widely recycled back into the manufacturing of items such as textiles,
          clothing, food and beverage containers and even carpet.

           #2 HDPE – High-Density Polyethylene

          HDPE is used for milk bottles, bleach, detergents and some shampoo bottles. It is easily
          recyclable back into items such as nonfood containers, detergent bottles, recycling contain-
          ers and floor tiles.

          #3 PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
           PVC or Vinyl as it also referred to as is commonly used in the manufacturing of car-
          pet backing, pipes, window and door frames (rigid PVC) and fittings within the home.
          Although it’s widespread use recycling facilities may not be able to handle this plastic.
          Where recycled, it is used for the remanufacturing of packaging, paneling, guttering, elec-
          trical equipment, traffic cones etc.

          #4 LDPE – Low Density Polyethylene
           LDPE is used commonly for bin liners, packaging film, squeezable bottles and carrier
          bags. Please check with your local recycling facility can take LDPE for onward recycling.
          After being recycled its use is common in the manufacturing of shipping envelopes, bin
          liners and carrier bags.

          #5 PP – Polypropylene
           PP is used in the packaging of food and nonfood containers, margarine tubs, microwave-
          able meal trays. Its fibers are also used for carpets, wall coverings and some vehicle uphol-

          stery. It’s uses after recycling the material is very similar to its originally designed pur-
          pose, and please check whether you can recycle this at your local facility.

          #6 PS – Polystyrene
           PS is most commonly known for its packaging protection uses especially electronic goods
          and toys whilst in transit. It is also used for packaging some foods such as hamburger
          boxes, egg cartons, and yoghurts. PS is not typically recycled, but please check with your
          local recycling facility.

          #7 Unallocated References – Everything Else
           Other plastics that do not fall into the categories above may be highlighted with the num-

          ber 7 logo or the word other. If you are unsure though please refer to the manufacturer of
          the product as to whether it can be recycled or not.
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