Page 89 - RAGE 5
P. 89

I just want to begin my journey of  trying to accept and understand what has happened to my

    beautiful Lyndell, ideally without any more unnecessary pain than I am already in, but sadly this
    is not the case.

    It has come to my attention that there are a number of very misinforming and upsetting stories
    being circulated both in the news and amongst people about what actually happened to Lyndell,
    and I can not bare to see her name and memory disrespected in this way, it’s just not right or fair
    to myself, Lyndell’s family, and all those who love and cherish her.

    Last Tuesday, Lyndell kissed me goodbye at home and then headed out for a night of dinner and
    partying with friends. We had spent the evening together drinking wine, laughing, and as usual
    Lyndell was giving me a runway show while I was in the bath, asking me to help her put together
    a special look for the night. Needless to say she looked stunning as always, and was super excited

    to be going out for the night. She was on top form and absolutely bursting with that infectious
    Lyndell energy that we know and love.

    That night Lyndell enjoyed a wonderful meal with friends, before heading to a fashion party, which
    from what I hear she was greeted like royalty, and naturally owned the room as she always did in
    that magical and electric Lyndell way. She danced in to the night, and from the videos and stories
    that have been shared with me from friends that were with her that night, I can tell you now that
    Lyndell was on fire, with the music barley holding up to that Lyndell laugh that always filled you

    with so much joy and excitement.

    During all that fun, laughter and dancing that Lyndell and her friends were sharing together,
    something happened to Lyndell that no one could have ever imagined happening, let alone being
    prepared for. I am not going to go in to all of the details, as I do not feel it is appropriate to do so
    on a social media platform, but I will give you a brief and truthful account of what happened to
    Lyndell that night, and in the days leading up to her passing away last Friday morning.

    In the early hours of Wednesday night, Lyndell suffered an Aneurysm in her brain which caused
    her to collapse while she was dancing. The devastating effect of this injury, then caused Lyndell
    to go in to Cardiac arrest. Several people on sight at the party immediately rushed to Lyndell’s aid,
    and were able to resuscitate and keep her alive until the ambulance arrived. Had it not been for the

    instant response of both Lyndell’s friends and the brave, and heroic on sight staff at the party she
    was attending, Lyndell would have never made it to the Hospital.

    The severity of Lyndell’s brain trauma caused two more episodes of Cardiac arrest, but thankfully
    the paramedics and the doctors at the hospital were again able to resuscitate and stabilise her.
    Lyndell spent the next three days in ICU receiving what I can only describe as the best medical
    care I have ever seen. The Doctors and nurses that were treating Lyndell worked day and night, to
    insure that she would receive the best possible chance of recovery, as well being made as

    comfortable as possible in her very fragile and poorly condition.

    Sadly as the days went by the reality of the situation was beginning to unfold. Lyndell was very
    very poorly, and her chances of survival were slowly diminishing. Naturally I stayed by her side for
    nearly the enirity of her time in the ICU, I hoped and prayed as so many others did that she would
    pull through, but sadly that was not going to be the case.
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