Page 90 - RAGE 5
P. 90
On Friday morning Lyndell passed away in my arms. That beautiful mind, body and spirit of hers
had done all it could to try and pull through, but it was just to much for her.
If there is one thing that makes this even the slightest bit more bearable to deal with, it is what I
was told by the doctor on the morning of Lyndell passing. Due to the nature of Lyndell’s injury,
she would have had absolutely no idea of what had happened to her on that dance floor, and neither
would she have felt any pain or distress during her time in the ICU. She was in a very peaceful state
the whole time and her spirit was released in the most gentle way possible.
Her last memory I am told would have been dancing with some of her best friends, dressed like
a queen of the disco, singing to Missy Elliot. So given what I have just told you, I am asking you
from the bottom of my heart that you all please all join me in honouring Lyndell’s memory the right
way, and that you pay no attention or share any false information that you come across regarding
Lyndell’s passing.
Any further information that I feel should be shared publicly about Lyndell and her tragic passing,
will come directly from either myself and Lyndell’s family.
Love, Peace and Pink Light