Page 4 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
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Publisher: Sandra M. Parnau            WORLD
                 Editor: Jim Froneberger
             Canadian Editor: Kerry J. Newstead  AIRSHOW NE WS
             Contributing Editor: Denise Decker
              A.C.E. Columnist: Greg Koontz
                 Air Racing: Brad Haskin
             Editor at Large, etc., etc.: Jeff Parnau                  Quarter 3, 2024 • Our 39th Year

                  Recent Contributors                                       Features

          Barbor, Alan      McComb, Rose            Doug Rozendaal’s Mister          The Last Hover
          Buff, Chris       McAlee, Patrick         Mulligan                         Sadly, airshow demonstrations of the
          Carmichael, Karen  Meland, Greg           Doug debuts his airshow performance   USMC AV-8B Harrier II have come to
          Charlot, Keith    Munforti, Filippo
          Cheung, Ken       Munforti, Tommaso       flying the Howard DGA-6  replica   an end.
          Daniels, Gary     Koontz, Greg            “Mister Mulligan”.               PAGE 30
          Finch, Steve      Parnau, Sandra
          Gallagher, Michael J.  Pawlesh, Tom       PAGE 12
          Gibson, Greg      Renth, Eric                                              The U.K.’s Sywell Airshow
          Glover, Douglas   Rininger, Tyson V.      Austin Rieder Joins              British airshows are just, well,
          Gonzalez, Manny   Rower, Gwen             Redline Airshows
          Grace, Larry      Rower, Gary                                              different. The author’s report explains
          Graf, Norman A.   Scaling, Craig          Who’s his daddy? Ken Rieder, of   just what’s different.
          Grantonic, Ryan   Serdikoff, Steve        course. Austin is now flying in
          Greenwell, Arnold  Shabec, Fred                                            PAGE 34
          Hammond, Kelley   Slocum, Scott           airshows with dad, who also pilots
          Haskin, DJ        Snorteland, Scott       the Airbus 320.                  The RIAT
          Haskin, Randy     Stansbery, Angie                                         Or to be more specific, it’s The Royal
          Head, Mike        Stansbery, Gregg        PAGE 16
          Heatherington, Sheldon  Streit, Mark                                       International Air Tattoo. It’ been
          Hedlund, Tom      Sullivan, John          EAA AirVenture 2024              around for more than 50 years.
          Henriques, Dudley  The Aviation PhotoCrew
          Hewitt, Owen      Thiel, Roger            All four USAF single-ship tactical jet   PAGE 38
          Hong, Kevin       Thun, Don               demonstration teams? It doesn’t get
          Kolanowski, Mark  Turdo, Carmelo          any better than that.            Arctic  Thunder
          Kraus, John       VanderMeulen, Richard
          Houghtaling, Jon  von Puttkammer, Ricardo  PAGE 22                         Joint-Base Elmendorf-Richardson
          Larson, Maj. Sam “RaZZ”  Watson, Glenn                                     (JBER) hosted their bi-annual Arctic
          Lee, Audrey       Yost, Samantha                                           Thunder Open House on July 20-21.
          Letourneau, Joe   Yost, Shawn
          Masterson, Fred                                                            PAGE 42
          Mawyer, Ralph
                                                    Center Spread:
                                                    Turning the World Around
                     Subscriptions:                 RJ Gritter in his 150 horsepower Decathlon and Rob Holland in his 380 horsepower
                   U.S. One year, $24.95            MXS-RH. Definitely an interesting formation flight.
                 Canada One year, $44.95
                 Mexico: One year, $49.95           PAGE 28
             All Other Countries: One year, $69.95
                  One Year Online, $8.95                              The Regular Stuff...
                   Subscribe on the Web:
               Editorial/Advertising Address:      Jim Froneberger, Editor PAGE 6  Airshow Highlights PAGE 44
                      P.O. Box 950                 Greg Koontz, A.C.E.  PAGE 8     Airshow Snapshots PAGE 50
                 East Troy, WI 53120-0950
                     (414) 801-1636                Airshow News  PAGE 10           Stick Time  PAGE 54

          Postage  Paid  at  Montezuma,  IA  50171.  Published   On the Cover: Ken Rieder co-founded Redline Airshows over a decade ago, but now his son Austin has
          4X per year by The MediaEnsemble Group with of-  joined the team as his dad’s wingman. In our feature article beginning on page 16, you can learn how
          fices in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. Copyright © 2024   Redline has adapted to change and how Austin has rapidly become a skilled and proficient formation
          by The MediaEnsemble Group. All rights reserved.   aerobatic pilot (photo by the Aviation PhotoCrew).
          Nothing in whole or in part may be reproduced
          without the written permission of the publisher.

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