Page 8 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 8

Greg Koontz: From the ACE

                                             Life in the Air

                                     F    ifty years of flying takes   which clearly un-
                                          one down many paths.
                                                                 veiled what his past
                                          If you are an airshow
                                          pilot, you already know   experiences must
                                                                 have been like.
                                      that is not what you did for   I’ve known Carl
                                      the whole fifty years. You   as a good friend for
                                      might have started out wash-  almost fifty years
                                      ing airplanes to earn some   now. I’ve watched
                                      flying lessons. Maybe you   him flight test a
                                      made the grade to fly for the   new corporate air-
                                      military or worked your way   craft  design  and
                                      to the airlines. Airshow per-  fly a Sia Marchetti
                                      formers, with  a  few  excep-  SF260 in the Red
                                      tions, have always “made it”   Hawks formation
                                      somewhere else first. Flying   team.  He test-flew
          low level in front of an audience requires certification, which   a  new canard-type
          requires experience, which requires a path of some sort to get   home built to find
          there. Even if you were simply born into a way to pay for it all,   a solution to its
          you had to earn it with practice and experience. It might take a   tendency to enter
          lot of money to pursue airshows, but it also takes a lot of effort   a deep stall (that
          to get there.                                          proved to become
            Everyone has a path that got them to where they are. Just the   unrecoverable). He
          dynamics of being an airshow performer makes the path they   also hates to admit
          took a great story. What type of character sets out on the twisted   it, but he also flew a successful airline career. (Carl considered
          road to such an unusual place? Along the way, there must be a va-  it only a job, so much so, he doesn’t even count the flight time
          riety of experiences to mold a person into the pilot they need to   as part of his total.) When I was Chairman of the ICAS ACE
          be to survive.  There is surely some dare devil in their soul, but it’s   Committee, I chose Carl Pascarell, a Warbird and Jet Aerobatic
          not that simple. The recipe also needs a pinch of showmanship, a   Competency Evaluator, to sit on the committee. I don’t think all
          few ounces of precision, a cup of determination, and then bring it   the committee members really had a clue who they were work-
          to a boil with many hours of humbling practice and critique. All   ing with.
          this fired by determination to accomplish it all.         Carl Pascarell has written down some of his best exploits in a
            We all know the successful people around us. I admire the   new book called Life in the Air, subtitled True Stories of Adven-
          many that come into this business with so much accomplished.   ture and Misadventure Aloft. The soft-spoken Carl has become
          We all have our heroes, those we know, as soon as we meet them,   the creator of a narrative beautifully written and fascinating to
          who hold talent born of a tireless life in the air. I’d like to tell you   read. The first chapter, where he describes in explicit detail an
          about one such person. An aviator who seems to have been born   extraordinary engine failure on take-off in a Navy A-7 Corsair,
          flying.                                                will grab you right from the start. Carl has put in writing things
            In the 1970s, I worked in St. Augustine, Florida for Aero Sport.   he has only previously shared in private. As I read chapter one,
          If you have read many of my articles in this space, you know my   I could hear his voice as I realized I had once heard him tell the
          real flying was learned there. I ran their flight school, developed   story over a few beers so very long ago.
          their charter business, and most interesting to me, flew in their   You should know that I didn’t tell Carl I was writing about
          airshow troupe named Col. Moser’s Flying Circus. Those were   him. He did not ask me to write this, and no one is compensat-
          some of the best years of my life!                     ing me for my commentary. So, it is with that I feel okay saying
            The atmosphere of the whole Aero Sport operation was very   you should get on Amazon and order one of the best aviation
          appealing. People came just to get in on it all. One such person   books you might ever read! Life in the Air by C.S. Pascarell.
          was Carl Pascarell. At the time, Carl was a Naval Aviator. We all
          liked hearing stories about that when we could get Carl to tell us   Greg Koontz is a full-time airshow performer and teaches basic
          about it. (He was not one to open up easily.) It took a long time   aerobatics at his Flight School/Bed & Breakfast called Sky Coun-
          to figure out Carl was a very accomplished pilot even before the   try Lodge. Greg is a former chairman of the ICAS ACE Commit-
          Navy.                                                  tee, holds an unlimited aerobatic waiver, and has been designated
            As we got to know Carl, his experience slowly became evident.   a Master Certified Flight Instructor-Aerobatics by the National
          Soon he was test flying the antique aircraft our shop was restor-  Association of Flight Instructors. Please send your comments/
          ing. He practiced in our aerobatic box in his little Cassutt racer,   questions to

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