Page 10 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
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Airshow News

          2024 WORLD AERObAtIC CHAmpIONSHIpS:                  NEW bLuES:
          Holland Wins                                         Blue Angels Announce

          Multiple Medals                                      New 2025 Officers

                                                                 The U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration team has
                                                               announced the five new officers who will be joining the team
                                                               for the 2025 airshow season. The squadron selected two F/A-
                                                               18E/F Super Hornet pilots, a C-130J Super Hercules pilot, an
                                                               Events Coordinator, and a Flight Surgeon to replace outgoing
                                                               team members. The new officers are:
                                                                 •  Maj. Brandon Wilkins from Beaufort, South Carolina will
                                                                  be a new Super Hornet Demonstration Pilot.
                                                                 •  Maj. Scott Laux from Chantilly, Virginia will be the second
                                                                  new Super Hornet Demonstration Pilot.
                                                                 •  The new Events Coordinator will be Lcdr. Lilly Montana
                                                                  from Vienna, Virginia.
                                                                 •  The new C-130J Demonstration Pilot will be Maj. Joshua
                                                                  Horman from Smithville, Missouri.
                                                                 •  The new Flight Surgeon is Cmdr. Jen Murr from Jackson
                                                                  Center, Ohio.
                                                                 Earlier  this year, the Blue Angels announced that Cmdr.
                                                               Adam “Gilligan” Bryan will succeed Cmdr. Alex “Scribe” Arma-
                                                               tas as the Commanding Officer and Flight Leader for the team
                                                               for the 2025 and 2026 airshow seasons.
                                                                 The new team members reported to the squadron in Sep-
                                                               tember for a two-month turnover period and will begin training
                                                               with the team after the conclusion of the current airshow season.
                                                               NEW bIRDS:

            American airshow star Rob Holland won the overall third   Thunderbirds Announce
          place Bronze Medal at the 2024 World Aerobatic Champion-
          ships, held August 15-25 in Zamosc, Poland. Holland also   New 2025 Officers
          won the first place Gold Medal in the Four Minute Freestyle
          competition.                                           The USAF Thunderbirds have also announced five new of-
            The overall competition consists of four cumulative medal   ficers who will be joining their team for the 2025 and 2026 air-
          flights, with the overall medals being awarded to the top three   show seasons. The new Thunderbirds are:
          scoring pilots after all four flights. Florent Oddon of France   •  Capt. Josh “Shadow” Burress will be the new Thunderbird
          continued his reign as World Aerobatic Champion, winning   #2, the Left Wing pilot.
          the overall Gold Medal. The 2019 World Champion, France’s   •  Maj. Laney “Rogue” Schol will be the new Thunderbird #6,
          Louis Vanel, was the 2024 Vice World Champion, taking home   the Opposing Solo pilot.
          the Silver Medal. On the way to his Bronze Medal, Holland won   •  Maj. Tyler “Wrath” Keener will be the new Thunderbird #7,
          flight medals for three of his four flights – two Silver and one   the Operations Officer.
          Bronze.                                                •  Capt. Nick “Chronic” Belinski will be the new Thunderbird
            France dominated the team competition, with French pilots   #8, the Advance Pilot & Narrator.
          capturing eight of the top eleven positions, earning France the   •  Capt. Janilie Vecchio will the new Thunderbird #10, the Ex-
          team Gold Medal. Germany won the team Silver Medal and   ecutive Officer.
          Romania the team Bronze.                               The selected officers will report to the team in the fall and will
            The Four Minute Freestyle is a separate competition judged   begin training with the Thunderbirds for the 2025 season after
          with different rules than the main Aresti contest. Freestyle   the conclusion of the current airshow season.
          flights are scored on three main categories – technical merit,
          artistic impression, and positioning. Holland’s Freestyle Gold   COmING tO “YOuR HOmE tV”:
          Medal was the sixth of his career. France’s Oddon and Spain’s
          Castor Fantoba were awarded the Freestyle Silver Medal and   The AirSpace Channel
          Bronze Medal respectively.
                                                                 Lunar Sawyer, the owner of AirShow360 and Wild Blue Ro-
          Photo: France’s Florent Oddon (Gold Medal, center) and Louis Vanel (Silver Medal,   deo, has announced the launch of The AirSpace Channel, a dedi-
          left) with America’s Rob Holland (Bronze Medal, right) on the podium at the 2024   cated aviation channel on Your Home TV. The AirSpace Chan-
          World Aerobatic Championships (CIVA photo).          nel features aviation-related content, sharing live-streamed

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