Page 13 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
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over about two or three years using mod-
                                                                                el airplane drawings, pictures, and some
                                           Left: The Howard DGA-6 replica “Mister Mulligan” was   conversations with Harold Neumann,”
                                           built by Jim and Bob Younkin and first flew in 1982    explains Rozendaal. “It’s a TLAR airplane
                                           (photo by Kelley Hammond).           – That Looks about Right.”
                                           Below: Doug “Rozy” Rozendaal (right) with his   Younkin flew the plane quite a bit as a
                                           “co-pilot in life and flight”, Kim Pardon (left, photo by   traveling airplane, since it can fly cross-
                                           Denise Decker).                      country  at over 200 knots  at 8,000 feet.
                                                                                Eventually it wound up spending a lot
                                                                                of time in a museum in Fayetteville, Ar-
                                                                                kansas close to Younkin’s home in Siloam
                                              Sadly,  Mister Mulligan  was destroyed   Springs. They would also fly it from time-
                                           in 1936 when it crashed after a propeller   to-time, including trips to Oshkosh for
                                           failure on the way to Burbank for the Ben-  the EAA airshow.
                                           dix race. Both Howard and his wife were   Over the years, Rozendaal had become
                                           injured in the crash, but both survived.  close  friends  with  the  Younkin  family,
                                                                                while mentoring Jim’s grandson, Matt,
                                           tHE MisTer MuLLiGAn REpLICA          who was starting to fly the Twin Beech
                                              Fast forward to the late 1970s, and Jim   airshow act his dad Bobby had once pio-
                                           Younkin, the father of airshow legend   neered. Through  that  friendship,  Doug
                                           Bobby Younkin and grandfather of cur-  was introduced to  Mister Mulligan and
                                           rent airshow star Matt Younkin, was at   got to fly the airplane on several occa-
                                           Oshkosh hanging out with some of his   sions. After Jim Younkin passed away
                                           cronies. One of his friends challenged   in 2019, the Younkin family wanted the
                                           Younkin to build a replica of the DGA-6,   plane to have a good caretaker, so they of-
                                           and never being one to back down from a   fered Doug the opportunity to buy Mister
                                           challenge, Jim and his brother Bob built   Mulligan.
                                           the airplane in relatively short order.  “We came to terms, and I bought the
                                              “They finished it in 1982, building it   airplane,” says Rozy. “It was in the middle

                                             World Airshow News   13  Quarter 3, 2024
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