Page 16 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 16


                  Flying on His Father’s Wing

           A        s a young boy growing up in   building his first Van’s Aircraft RV-8, he   he was licensed to fly.
                    a neighborhood located in
                                                                                     Today, Austin is again following in his
                                              started flying formation with other RV
                    the shadow of Cincinnati’s
                                              owners and eventually joined an RV air-
                                                                                   father’s footsteps as a member of an air-
                    Lunken Airport, Ken Rieder
                                                Ken’s son, Austin, was also mesmer-
                    was fascinated by airplanes.   show formation team.            show team, but there is something very
                                                                                   special about this team – Austin is flying
          He remembers going with his parents to   ized by airplanes at a very young age, and   on his father’s wing.
          watch the airplanes takeoff and land and   thanks to his father, he often got to fly in
          even recalls seeing the Blue Angels per-  the back seat of his dad’s RV-8s, even get-  REDLINE AIRSHOWS IS bORN
          form at Lunken Field, flying F-4 Phan-  ting the chance for some occasional stick   Redline Airshows traces its roots
          toms back in the early 1970s.       time. Austin learned to fly gliders and   back to 2013 when Ken Rieder and Jon
            By his early 20s, Ken had learned to   powered planes as a teenager, and with   Thocker decided to form their own two-
          fly himself, and almost immediately, he   his dad as his mentor, was introduced to   ship airshow team after several years fly-
          started flying aerobatics. Years later, after   formation flying and aerobatics as soon as   ing their RV-8s as members of another
                                   16  Quarter 3, 2024
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