Page 17 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 17

Left: Ken Rieder in Redline One leads his son Austin   In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shut
                                           in the skies over central Florida. For their airshow   down the airshow industry (and most ev-
                                           performance, they switch airplanes because Redline   erything else). Unfortunately, during the
                                           One has superior performance for flying in the wing   COVID hiatus, Werth was seriously in-
                                           position (photo by The Aviation PhotoCrew).  jured in a non-airshow accident, so Ken
                                                                                again began working on how to move
                                           Below: For the 2021 and 2022 seasons, while   Redline forward once airshows resumed
                                           Austin was gaining experience, Ken flew a two-ship   in 2021.
                                           performance alongside Adam Baker in his Extra 330   For several years, Ken had envisioned
                                           (photo by Jim Froneberger).          his son Austin as his future Redline wing-
                                                                                man. They had been flying formation to-
                                                                                gether since not long after Austin earned
                                           exciting wingtip-mounted pyrotechnics.  his private pilot license at age 18, but since
                                              Sadly, in the fall of 2018, tragedy struck   Austin was still a relatively low time pilot,
                                           when Jon was lost in an accident during   Ken knew his son needed time to build
                                           the team’s night performance at an air-  the experience to fly formation airshow
                                           show in Culpeper, Virginia. Ken wanted   aerobatics.
                                           Redline to continue, so he finished out    For the 2021 season, Ken partnered
                                           the season with his solo performance and   with aerobatic pilot Adam Baker to fly
                                           began  working on  finding  a  new  wing-  two-ship  airshows  under the  Redline
                                           man for the 2019 season.             brand, with Adam flying his Extra 330
                                              Over the offseason, Ken began train-  alongside Ken’s RV-8. Ken also offered
                                           ing with former U.S. Navy Super Hornet   both daytime and nighttime solo rou-
                                           demo pilot Shaun “Buzz” Roessner, who   tines. At the same time, Austin was work-
                                           flew a few shows with Redline in 2019   ing hard under his dad’s tutelage to get the
                                           before  a  new  job prevented  Buzz  from   experience and training he needed to be-
                                           finishing the season. Ken had also done   come his dad’s full-time partner.
                                           some off-season training with airshow
                                           performer Billy Werth, so Billy was able   LEARNING HIS CRAFt
                                           to jump in and help Ken finish out the   Austin had been flying in the back seat
                                           season.                              of his dad’s RV-8 for as long as he could
                                              We all know what happened next.   remember, so it was only natural that,

       RV-based formation aerobatic team. Ken
       and Jon were natural teammates, as they
       had been flying together for over 15 years
       from the same small airport in Hamilton,
       Ohio near Cincinnati.
         Ken and Jon built a fast-paced two-ship
       formation aerobatic act and rapidly be-
       came one of the most popular formation
       teams  in  North  America.  By  2015,  they
       were performing at major airshows like
       SUN ‘n FUN and EAA AirVenture. They
       also added a full night formation airshow
       routine to their offerings, complete with

                                             World Airshow News   17  Quarter 3, 2024
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