Page 22 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
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CELEbRAtING 100 YEARS OF tHE RCAF  World Airshow News Staff Report

                                                                    EAA AirVenture  2024

          E      AA AirVenture is often called   to an average of 113 takeoffs/landings per   The Canadian Snowbirds jet team, the

                 the “World’s Greatest Avia-
                                              hour when the airport was open. A total
                                                                                   Canadian SkyHawks parachute team, and
                                                                                   the RCAF CF-18 Hornet demo, piloted
                 tion Celebration.” While those
                                              of 2,846 show planes registered this year,
                 kinds of superlatives are some-
                 times thrown around without a   consisting  of  1,200  vintage  aircraft,  975   by Capt. Caleb “Tango” Robert, all per-
                                              homebuilt aircraft, 337 warbirds, 154 ul-
                                                                                   formed in the airshows.
          lot to back it up, very few people would   tralights/light planes, 82 aerobatic air-  Several Canadian warbirds also came
          likely take issue with using that moniker   craft, 65 seaplanes/amphibians, 23 rotor-  to Oshkosh, including the Avro Lan-
          to describe AirVenture, held July 22-28 at   craft, and 10 balloons.     caster bomber owned by the Canadian
          Wittman  Regional  Airport in Oshkosh,   While  AirVenture  is  best  known  for   Warplane Heritage Museum. Their Lan-
          Wisconsin. Not only did AirVenture 2024   its daily airshows and wide variety of air-  caster is the only example flying in North
          attract a record crowd of 686,000 people,   craft, the commercial exhibit/trade show   America. Vintage Wings of Canada’s Vic-
          but the airshow featured performances   portion is often overlooked. Aviation ven-  tory Flight, a unique formation of World
          by  all  four USAF single-ship tactical jet   dors, aircraft manufacturers, and aircraft   War II-era fighter aircraft consisting of a
          demonstration teams and either fly-bys   parts and support firms ranging from   Hawker Hurricane XII, a Spitfire IX, and
          or performances from  four military jet   aerospace giants like Boeing and Airbus   a P-51D Mustang also flew in the airshow.
          formation teams.                    to small mom-and-pop family businesses
            “Over the past decade, and especial-  display their products and engage with   FOuR JEt tEAmS
          ly  since  2020, we  have  seen  AirVenture   current and potential customers. This   For the first time ever at AirVenture,
          move to another level, as we maintain the   year, a record 861 commercial exhibitors   the show featured fly-bys or perfor-
          heart of the event while adding programs   were present on the AirVenture grounds.  mances by military jet teams on six of the
          and activities that appeal to aviation en-                               show’s seven days. The Italian Air Force’s
          thusiasts of all interests,” said EAA CEO   A CANADIAN CELEbRAtION       Frecce Tricolori spent Tuesday at Air-
          and Chairman Jack Pelton. “Kudos to our   While AirVenture always showcases   Venture  and performed  several  fly-bys,
          dedicated volunteers and staff who plan   the full breadth and depth of aviation,   complete with their trademark red, white,
          and adjust to make it work.”        this year the show focused attention on   and green smoke. On Wednesday, the US
            There were 16,780 aircraft operations   Canada, helping our neighbors to the   Navy’s Blue Angels performed a flyover
          at Wittman Regional Airport in the elev-  north celebrate the 100th anniversary of   on their way to Fargo, North Dakota, fol-
          en-day period from July 18-28, equating   the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).   lowed by a USAF Thunderbirds flyover

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