Page 23 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 23

EAA AirVenture  2024

       on Thursday on their way to Milwaukee.                                   Above: EAA AirVenture 2024 celebrated the
       The Canadian Snowbirds flew their full                                   100  birthday of the Royal Canadian Air Force
       performance Friday through Sunday.                                       with appearances by the Canadian Snowbirds
         In yet another one of those “Only at                                   and the RCAF CF-18 Hornet demo (opposite
       Oshkosh” moments, the USAF brought                                       page, photo by Chris Buff) as well as the
       all four  of their single-ship  tactical jet                             Canadian SkyHawks parachute team (above,
       demonstrations to AirVenture – the                                       photo by Jim Froneberger).
       A-10, F-16, F-22, and F-35 demos. We
       are not sure if that has  ever happened                                  Left: Some dark afternoon clouds provided
       before at a public airshow. During the                                   a dramatic backdrop for Capt. Sam “RaZZ”
       Wednesday show, all four teams flew to-                                  Larson’s performance in the F-22 Raptor (photo
       gether in a very special four-ship USAF                                  by Jim Froneberger).
       Heritage Flight.

       YOu LOOK                               What’s even more impressive is that   an interesting story to tell about what
         First time visitors to AirVenture are al-  each of the aircraft mentioned above   drew them to the event. Many are pilots,
       ways amazed by the incredible variety of   actually flew to Oshkosh, and many of   plane owners, or mechanics or had a fam-
       aviation history that is on display every-  them also flew during the airshow. They   ily member who is. Some attend to honor
       where you look. While strolling through   are not just museum pieces. The sight of   the memory of a loved one who served in
       the warbird area, you could see A, B, C &   a Lancaster flying overhead at sunset, ac-  the armed forces. Others simply love the
       D versions of the P-51 Mustang. Shifting   companied by the only two flyable B-29s   sights and sounds of airplanes.
       your gaze a little to the right and beautiful   in the world is something you generally   It’s obvious that many of AirVenture’s
       examples of the Avro Lancaster, Super-  don’t see anywhere but at Oshkosh.  repeat attendees come for the people as
       marine Spitfire, and Hawker Hurricane   At AirVenture, you can also meet inter-  much as the airplanes. Check it out your-
       were on hand. Helldivers, Thunderbolts,   esting and friendly people who are happy   self next year, July 21-27, 2025.
       Invaders, Mitchells, and four MiG-17s   to share their lunch tables and strike up
       were scattered all around warbird town.  a conversation with a stranger. Each has            (please turn page)

                                             World Airshow News   23  Quarter 3, 2024
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