Page 18 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 18


          once he was old enough, he would learn   and said, “Today, we’re going to do a whole   Above: Ken flies inverted as Austin tucks in close in
          how to fly. Austin went to glider camp   routine.” After that, for the next two or   Redline’s signature mirror formation (photo by Jim
          when he was just 12 years old and soloed   three years, it was more practice, flying   Froneberger).
          a glider at age 14. He then added powered   the same routine over and over and over.
          aircraft to his logbook by soloing a Piper   By  the  2021  airshow  season,  Ken  felt   Below: For now, Ken is flying the Redline night show as
          Cub shortly after his 16  birthday. Austin   Austin was ready to get serious about   a solo act (photo by Joe Letourneau).
          finished up his private pilot license in a   earning his first airshow Statement of
          Cessna 152.                         Aerobatic Competency (SAC) card. As an
            With his fresh private license in his   Aerobatic Competency Evaluator (ACE)
          pocket, Austin began flying the RV-8, at   himself, Ken knew how to prepare his
          first with his dad in the back seat. The   son for the evaluation, but another ACE
          family now had two RV-8s, so not long   would have to evaluate Austin’s flying and
          after Austin soloed in the RV, he and his   issue the SAC card.
          dad began working on formation flying   “I had to do a solo routine for my two
          and aerobatics.                     ACEs, Buck Roetman and Greg Koontz,
            “The new RV-8 we built didn’t even   to get my initial SAC card,” explains Aus-
          have paint on it yet, so since you have   tin. “Dad and I then had to do a forma-
          to fly the first 40 hours in the local area,   tion routine to show that I could be cer-
          why not just fly with somebody on your   tified for formation. I also had to lead a
          wing?” laughs Ken. “Eventually we tran-  loop and a barrel roll to show I was able
          sitioned to doing loops and barrel rolls,   to lead a formation. So, from day one, my
          and then several months later, we started   initial SAC card was for both solo and
          putting some elements together into short   formation.”
          sequences.”                           Austin was approved for that first SAC
            They flew together as often as they   card in August 2021. A few weeks later,
          could, then one day, Ken came to Austin   on Labor Day weekend, Austin and his

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