Page 104 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 104

Speaking Part 2

          Page 206 Speaking Bank                                              could be  exactly what  looks as if
          SpeakingPart 2
                                                                          may have decided  might  perhaps  seem
                                                                             unlike  who appears  very different
          • When you re not immediately sure how to answer the       Examiner: Here are your photographs. They show
            question in the task, use phrases which allow you to
                                                                               youngpeople doingdifficult activities. I’d
            speculate instead of giving a definite answer (could be,
                                                                               like you to compare the photographs and
            may have, seems to, appears to etc.).
                                                                               say why you think the people have decided
          • Spend about half the time comparing                                to do these activities. All right?
            the photos and half the time answering                   Peter:    The first photo shows young people
            th question                                                        walkingup a mountain.They
        ^^   ^                                                                 (1)              to be tied together
                                                                               with ropes and they (2)
            Look at this speaking task. Then complete Peter’s answer           be resting, or (3)          they’ve
            below with words or phrases from the box which he uses             been waiting for one of the group to catch
            to compare or speculate about what he can see.                     them up. They may be part of an adventure
                                                                               activity which they’re doing from their
                                                                               school or college and they may have
               Why have the people decided to do these activities?             been climbing for quite a long time.The
                                                                               second photo shows a (4)
                                                                               situation.The girl seems to be working
                                                                               with equipment in a factory.I’m not sure
                                                                               (5) .            she’s doing,but she
                                                                               (6)              buildinga machine or
                                                                               something.There’s a man
                                                                               (7)              to be supervising her.
                                                                               The people in the first photo
                                                                               (8)              to climb the mountain
                                                                               because they want a new experience,         PDF from
                                                                               or perhaps they just enjoy being in the
                                                                               mountains, even though they look a bit
                                                                               tired. The girl in the second photo
                                                                               (9)              she’s starting a new
                                                                               job and learning to do something.It’s clear
                                                                               that she’s working indoors,
                                                                               (10)              the people in the
                                                                               first photo, who are outdoors.

                                                                     Now listen and check your answers.

                                                                     Work in pairs. Read the examiner’s instructions
                                                                     and look at the photos on the opposite page. Then
                                                                     complete the sentences for speculating about photos
                                                                     with your own ideas.

                                                                      “ Here are your photographs. They show people
                                                                      celebrating at different events. I d like you to
                                                                      compare the photos and say what you think the
                                                                      people are enjoying about the different situations. "
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