Page 99 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 99

The secret of happiness
            For questions 1 -6, choose the answer (A, B, C or
             D) which you think fits best according to the text.
            1 What view of the recent growth of the           Each year the World Happiness Report ranks the countries of the world
               well -being industry does the writer express in  according to the well -being of their citizens. The United States only
               the first paragraph?                           just made it into the top twenty happiest countries, despite its relative
               A It is surprising that it happened.           economic prosperity and high standard of living, and a whole new
               B It is a worrying development.              5 industry has taken shape around the attempt to solve this apparent
               C Its success was predictable.                 contradiction. These days, the subject of happiness as a measure of a
               D It is an unnecessary response.               country’s success seems to reappear time and again with a vast array of
                                                              books and media articles devoted to the subject. Add to this the growing
            2 What does the word fixated mean in line 17?     number of well -being coaches keen to show us how to better understand
               A fascinated          C obsessed             10 this complex emotion and it becomes clear that happiness is a serious
               B dependent           D concerned              business in the 21 st century. But why is this necessary when our lives are
                                                              more comfortable and convenient than ever before?
            3  In the second paragraph, what is the           Happiness coach Lesley Lavender believes that many people simply
               writers purpose in mentioning the scientist    take what they have for granted. People constantly strive to acquire
               Albert Einstein?                             15 more possessions and achieve more in their careers, but rarely take
               A to show how people can be happy without      the time to reflect on what is already good about their lives. 'So many
                  many material possessions                   people become fixated on the things they lack,’ she says. They often
               B to provide evidence of what people think     find themselves thinking "If onlyIhad more money, a bigger house or
                  about their lives                           a better job,I ’d feel so much more satisfied” - this can completely take
               C to advise people to think about happiness  20 over their lives. However, there is actually little evidence to suggest that
                  more scientifically                         achieving material goals makes us happier in the long run.Being satisfied
               D to show how a successful career doesn' t     with what you have in life is far more likely to lead to true happiness
                  make people happy                           than fantasising about what you would like. ’ It’s like the scientist Albert
                                                              Einstein once said: 'A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else
            4 What does the word they refer to in line 33?  25 does anyone need to be happy?’
               A memories            C objects                But what about the simple pleasure of going shopping after a stressful
               B experiences         D people                 day at work? Lesley is keen to stress that material possessions are
                                                              a relatively low indicator of happiness. 'We may get an initial hit of
            5 What is Lesley’s view of money and happiness?   happiness from a new purchase which is real but usually short-lived.
               A Time is always more valuable than money.   30 'We tend to forget about these new possessions very quickly and start  PDF from
               B People with very low incomes are likely to   planning how we are going to acquire our next object of desire.’ Lesley
                  be unhappy.                                 believes that people tend to derive more pleasure from experiences than
               C Most people associate money with             objects, highlighting the longer-lasting memories that they typically
                  happiness.                                  create. 'Going on a trip, having a meal in a nice restaurant, or attending
               D People who win money feel happier than     35 a painting class give us a heightened sense of well-being as we interact
                  those who earn it.                          with our environment, ’ she says.
                                                              On the subject of money,Iask Lesley if she believes that having more
            6 What does the writer suggest is the reason      money makes us any happier. 'Not necessarily,’ she says. A recent study
               why people today struggle to maintain strong   examined how American adults felt when they were given either more
               relationships?                               40 money or more time. Those who were given more time reported feeling
               A They prefer to be independent.               significantly happier than those who were given more money. After
               B They don’t enjoy face -to -face interactions.  taking part in the study, many of the people made a conscious effort to
               C It’s more important for them to spend a lot  create more time in their lives. They found that even having this intention
                  of time usingelectronic devices.            made them feel happier. And, of course, a sudden increase in wealth can
               D They don ’ t meet in person with family and  45 actually lead to additional stress, as many lottery winners would testify.
                  friends often enough.                       This makes sense, but surely people need a certain amount of money to
                                                              be happy? Lesley admits that this is true. As much as money can’ t buy
            Work in groups. Discuss the questions.            happiness, it is difficult to be happy if you can’ t pay your bills.
            •  Why do you think people become fixated on      Finally,Iask Lesley what the greatest indicator of happiness is.
               the things they don’t have?                  50 'Relationships, ’ she says. 'A study carried out by Harvard University
                                                              followed several hundred people over 70 years. The happiest and
            •  Re-read Albert Einstein’s quote in the second
               paragraph. Do you agree withhim?               healthiest of them reported having strong relationships with people who
                                                              supported them and who they trusted.’ This would appear to be evidence
            •  Why might a sudden increase in wealth lead to  that maintaining strong relationships is essential for our well-being,
               additional stress?                           55 no matter how much we may congratulate ourselves for our self -
                                                              reliance. And if you think about life today, when people often lack time
            Based on what you have read and discussed,        to spend with their families or cultivate friendships, not to mention the
             write your own definition of happiness. Then     temptations of their electronic devices even when taking part in face-
            compare it with your partner.                     to-face interaction, perhaps it is not surprising why so many are not as
                                                            60 happy as they could be.
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                                                                                                The power of the mind
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