Page 136 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 136

Reading and Use of English Part 7

                                                                     Read questions1 -10 and underline the main idea in
          • If you see a word you don ' t understand, and
            you think you need to understand it to answer a          Which person...
            question, try to guess what it means by reading the      1 didn’t immediately realise he’d been injured?
            other words around it.                                   2 was unwilling to injure an animal?

            If you have unanswered questions after you  y —          3 believes his behaviour caused the attack?
            have read all the texts, scan the texts again  Exam      4 gave advice which was ignored?
            to find the information you need, rather  I adviceI      5  was with people who lacked the knowledge to help
            than trying to read them in detail again.    4             him?
                                                                     6  was informed that they may have missed an
            Work in groups.You are going to read a magazine article  7  was disappointed by the outcome of his encounter?
            about people who have been attacked by animals.
            Before you read,discuss these questions.                 8 thinks he might not have been injured at another time
                                                                       of day?
            •  Are there any dangerous wild animals in your country?  9  was happy at first to see the animal which later
            •  What do you think you should do if you see a            attacked him?
               dangerous animal?                                     10 was surprised to eventually escape?

                             Surviving an animal attack

                                       No matter how well prepared you are as a traveller,
                                  animals can still attack you. Our advice? Keep your distance!                            PDF from

        A Colin Bristow                      the fading light, failed to notice the danger.  disappear. As an intruder in their fragile
                                             I felt the lightest prick against my middle  world, I wanted to avoid causing it any
          I was working as a safari guide in
        Botswana with four American clients.  finger and thought I’d brushed against a  harm.I started screaming and waving my
                                             cactus spine. But it was a scorpion! The  arms. When he got to about three metres
        There was a sudden movement to my left,
        and a charging elephant crashed through  pain was intense and sudden. By the  away,I threw a handful of coffee powder
        some small trees less than 20 feet away .  time I arrived back at camp, my lips were  towards the bear. If he hadn’t turned and
        I always brief my clients that you should  numb and I was shaking. In the absence of  walked off at that moment, we wouldn ’t
        never take your eyes off a dangerous  qualified medical opinion, my companions  have survived.
                                             carried on with their game of cards.
        animal or show signs of fear or panic. I                                  D Zebedee Ellis (aged nine)
        turned to face it and was immediately  The next morning, I showed the sting to  I was at a zoo and dinosaur park with
        knocked over by one of the clients   a local.                             Mummy and Daddy two years ago.I had
        screaming ‘Run, run!’ at the top of his  ‘Did you play cards with the others  eaten about 400 tons of ice cream and
        voice. I landed on my back between the  last night?’                      now I wanted to see more animals. In a
        exposed roots of a large acacia tree. My  ‘Course not,’ I replied. ‘I was too ill.’  large open area next to a pond, Daddy
        backpack got tangled with one of the roots  He raised his eyebrows. Too bad.  saw some big fat pelicans, all full of fish.
        so that I couldn’t move. The elephant was  Scorpion stings are very lucky , my friend.’  ‘There you are!’ he said. ‘Some animals for
        standing over me, smashing his thick trunk  C Baz Roberts                 you to annoy. ’
        into the roots on either side of my body.  On our penultimate night on the Arctic  I was very pleased and danced up
        Elephants have poor eyesight and this may  ice, as we were returning from the Pole,I
        have been what saved me. I managed to  was just falling asleep when the voice of  and down in front of them. Then one big
                                                                                  pelican tried to eat my T-shirt. I think it
        free myself from my backpack and I ran  one of my travelling companions, Paul,
        for my life, hardly daring to believe that the  woke me: ‘Guys, there's a bear in the  went for me because I was moving around
        elephant wasn’t chasing me.          camp.I’m serious!’ I leant forward on my  so much and that made it nervous, but
        B Chris Haslam                       knees to unzip the tent door. Directly in  I really wish it had made some kind of
                                                                                  scratch on my skin that I could show off to
          I was camping on a beach in Mexico.  front was a polar bear , about ten metres  my friends.
        It was sunset and I was walking along the  away. It heard the sound of my tent zip and
        coast looking for firewood when I noticed  turned to face me, all 600 kilos or so of him.
        a dead cactus which was perfect for the  Due to melting ice, the polar bear’s  Adapted from the Sunday Times
        fire. I bent to lift it and, perhaps because of  habitat is under threat and may one day
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