Page 138 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 138

Work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer these
            Part 4 questions are on topics related to Part 3. Listen
                                                                     Part 4 questions.
            to Sophia answering two Part 4 questions. Answer the
            questions below.                                         1 What pet do you think is most suitable foryoung
                                                                        children? Why?
            1 Which of these strategies does Sophia use?
                                                                     2 Do you think it’s true that children benefit from having
               a She just gives her opinion
                                                                        an animal to look after?
               b She expresses a range of ideas, but doesn’t say     3 Why is it important to protect animals and other
                  which she agrees with.
               c She summarises other people’s opinions, then        4 Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? Why? /
                  gives her own
                                                                        Why not?
            2 Complete the table with the phrases from Sophia’s      5  Some people argue that animal testing should be
               answers in the correct column.                           banned.What do you think?
               People often suggest     I agree up to a point
               I don’t share this view  Some people say that
                                                                 Writing Part 2: An email or letter
               That’s an interesting    That’s quite difficult to
               question                 answer
                                                                  Page 194 Writing Bank
                                                                  An email or letter
                                             say whether you
              comment on the  introduce other  agree or disagree
                 question    people’s opinions  with the other           ’
                                             people’s opinions     • If you re writing a letter or email to a friend, use an
                                                                    informal style and contractions.
                                                                   • Start in a friendly way with a phrase like It 's good to
                                                                    hear from you or I ' m glad you ' re thinking of
                                                                    coming, etc.
                                                                   • Finish with something friendly like /
                                                                    hope you enjoy yourself or Looking
                                                                    forward to seeing you.                                 PDF from

            3 Work in pairs.Think of two more phrases you can add    Work in pairs. Read this exam task and discuss the
               to each column of the table.
                                                                     questions below.

             /P/ Pronunciation: word stress (3)                        You have received a letter from your British friend, Leo.
             We sometimes pronounce individual words                   Read this part of the letter.
             differently, depending on whether we stress them or
             not.                                                      I’m thinking of visiting your country this summer. I’d
                                                                       be interested in seeing some beautiful scenery.I’d
             Listen to these extracts from Sophia’s answers            also like to see some wildlife.Can you give me some
             again and underline the highlighted words which           advice on where to go,what to see and the best way
             are stressed.                                             of getting around?
                                                                       Best wishes,
             That’s quite difficult to answer. Some people say that
             animal testing has a positive impact on humans,on         Leo
             account of the life -saving medicine that is developed
             from these kinds of experiments.                          Write your letter.
             I agree up to a point and I don’t think it should be
             banned altogether. However, we must do more to          1 What three things must you deal with in your letter?
             ensure the animals don’t suffer as a result and spend   2 What advice would you give Leo about your country?
             more money on developing alternative methods of         3 What style would you use: formal or informal? Why?
             testing which means we are no longer dependent on
             animal experiments.                                     Work in pairs. Write a plan for your letter.

             Listen again and notice how the pronunciation
             of the highlighted words changes depending on
             whether they are stressed or not.
             Work in pairs. Take turns to read the sentences in
             Exercise 1aloud.
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