Page 156 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 156

Reading and Use of English Part 6

          • Underline clues in the text while you read, such as
            pronouns (e.g. this, he, etc.), or words after the gap
            which suggest something mentioned before.
          • Read each sentence carefully, thinking
            about where it could fit and looking
            for clues.
          • Quickly read the article again with your                Keeping Festivals
            answers to check that it makes sense.
                                                                    clean and green

            You are going to read an article about how festivals can
            be made more environmentally friendly. Before you       Are our favourite cultural events costing the earth?
            read, work in groups and complete the quiz. When you
                                                                    As the summer approaches, many of us prepare to
            have finished, scan the article and check your answers.  attend open-air festivals all over the country. Whether
                                                                    your passion is for rock music, world cuisine,
              Festival Facts                                       literature or hot-air balloons, there is a festival out
                                                                   there for you.
                                                                    A recent survey conducted in the UK found that just
                                                                    over a quarter of adults attended a music festival
                   What percentage of UK adults attended a         last year. Many festival-goers look forward to the
                   music festival last year?                       opportunity to visit a different place, enjoy the
                                                                   sunshine and participate in their favourite activities
                   a 16%         b 26%        c 36%                 with like-minded people. 1   Unfortunately
                                                                    while being fun, festivals can cause significant
                   Name at least three kinds of waste that
                   can get left behind after festivals.            ecological damage.                                      PDF from
                                                                    The impact comes from a number of different sources.
                   1             2            3
                                                                   Many people travel to festivals by car, which leads
                                                                   to increased pollut on both in the location and in the
                   What percentage of festival-goers in the        surrounding area. 2      Plastic drinks cups, water
                   UK are concerned about the impact of             bottles, single-use tents and general rubbish all get
                   festivals on the environment?                   left behind in large quantities. And if the festival
                                                                   involves dressing up, many of the materials that
                   a 29%         b 49%        c 69%
                                                                    people use in their costumes, for example, glitter,
                   How much waste was generated by the             contain unrecyclable plastics.
                   Notting Hill Carnival in London last year?      So, can we continue to enjoy ourselves without
                                                                   causing harm to the environment? Festival
                   a almost      b almost     c almost             organisers have to ask this question if they want to
                   200 tonnes    300 tonnes   400 tonnes
                                                                   continue to draw in the crowds. When surveyed on
                   Name at least three possible ways of            their attitudes towards festivals and the environment,
                   reducing plastic waste at festivals.             nearly 70% of respondents said that they worried
                                                                   about the environmental impact of attending one, and
                   1             2            3
                                                                    many of them commented on the amount of rubbish
                                                                   left behind.| 3   It may seem like an impossible
                                                                   task, given the number of people who attend, but a
                                                                   few small changes can in fact dramatically reduce
                                                                   the damage that festivals cause.
            Were any of your ideas for questions 2 and 5 not
                                                                    One event setting an example on environmental
            mentioned in the article? Share them with the class.
                                                                   standards is the Hay Literature Festival in Wales.
                                                                    Because this festival is held in a small rural town,
                                                                    most people travel there by car. 4  They have
                                                                   also made a great effort to reduce the amount of
                                                                    waste generated by introducing on-site recycling
                                                                    points, charging a deposit for a reusable cup and
                                                                    providing water pipes for festival -goers to refill their
                                                                    water bottles.
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