P. 44
Often people will come to the marina as a mid-way break for the trail or local residents will
stop by for ice cream. It’s nice spend some time by the lake.
Our boat club boats are vessel safety checked by both the Minnetonka Power Squadron and by
the Hennepin County Water Patrol. We also offer VSC’s for our customers during National
Marina Day, too.
We regularly ask our current customers feedback by talking with them or sending paper
surveys. About 4 years ago we asked our boat club members what would make their experience
better… they wanted bimini tops on all of the boats… all boats now have bimini tops.
The newest addition to the customer satisfaction goal is our 100 day process. It’s new and part
of our automated system. We created a 9 video series and also incorporate 4 mailings. This
allows us to have critical “touch” points with our customers during the first 100 days they are
with us. Our goal with this new process is to improve our onboarding/retention during the
critical first days and reduce buyers remorse.
Finally, we do not have voice mail. I know, crazy! We answer the phones. The phone has
always been attached to the house so even if you call at 3am (which does happen) you will get a
human that answers the phone.
Summary: Our customer satisfaction is determined via survey and identifying trends via
negative reviews. We also listen to our customer suggestions and provide upgrades!