Page 27 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
P. 27

A recurrent allegory states that the path of the initiate includes a preliminary renunciation

      of the world: Valley of Power. According to the scholar, the pilgrimage develops in the

      following stages: the devotion to God (Valley of Love), the intellect (Valley of
      enlightenment), the elevation beyond the Earth (Valley of Detachment), gradually arriving,

      through the Valley of the Contemplation of the Most High, up to the Valley of the Abyss, the

      transformation that arouses terror but that can lead to the end of the journey, that is the

      union with God, the Valley of the vanishing of the ego.  But of what hidden knowledge,

      occult was the Holy Confessor that Saunière himself called a beautiful goddess and who is

      often associated with Isis, the wife of the god Osiris? Books devoted to the apocalypses had a

      great resonance in the Jewish philosophical schools, including the Essene community of

      Qumran. The author Giovanni, who the religious tradition (St. Irenaeus) identifies with the

      apostle writer of the so-called Gospel of Love, is also a very enigmatic character. the abbot
      of Rennes le Château depicts him in the 12th station, Jesus dead on the cross, holding a

                                                                                                                       book. An unusual

                                                                                                                       representation as pointed

                                                                                                                       out by researcher Paul

                                                                                                                       Rouelle, who wonders

                                                                                                                       what book to treat; of the

                                                                                                                       Gospel or the
                                                                                                                       Apocalypse? Or maybe, I

                                                                                                                       add, it could be the

                                                                                                                       Mutus Liber, even if it

                                                                                                                       may seem an

                                                                                                                       inconsistency? Remember

                                                                                                                       what I said earlier about

                                                                                                                       the death of Cavalier

                                                                                                                       Rosenkreutz: ... He was

                                                                                                                       holding a book adorned
                                                                                                                       with gold. Mine are

                                                                                                                       perhaps ambiguous

                                                                                                                       suppositions, but many

                                                                                                                       theologians have found in

      the writings of the prophet different analogies to the doctrine of Hermes, accept from the

      Rosicrucians. John was the beloved disciple of Christ, he was transmitted an oral and

      therefore secret teaching: a lost word transmitted later to an invisible Church. The same
      word Apocalypse means Revelation. Not for nothing the Saint is considered patron of many

      secret societies, among which the Priory of Sion.

      The figure of the Evangelist and of Mary Magdalene have different points in common.

      Naturally a deep friendship with Jesus, the knowledge of certain secrets probably connected

      to the immortality and the legend of the Holy Grail. Moreover, both were greatly revered by

      the Cathars, the Templars and the philosophical-religious movement of Gnosticism. It is my

      opinion that for these reasons, Leonardo da Vinci, in the famous fresco, The Last Supper,

      wanted to unite under one person the one on the right of the Messiah, thus recreating the

      myth of the androgyne. Inside the Apocalypse, Giovanni has
      enclosed an encrypted message using knowledge related to Gematria and listing an

      incomprehensible sequence of numbers, such as 666. Curious are also the phrases with

      which he began his "Prophecies": I John, brother and your mate ... I was on the island of

      Patos, because of the word of God and of the testimony given to Jesus rapt in ecstasy on the

      day of the Lord (Which? We talk about Sunday or the fateful date of January 17th?) I
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