Page 25 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
P. 25
equivocal interpretation of the word "dilessi" derived from "delighting" condition of
spiritual or material pleasure, then ecstasy or sexual enjoyment. Several experts have
extensively discussed this about a carnal union between the Magdalene and the Saviour and
of their Messianic progeny, linked to the dynasty of the ancient Merovingian kings. The
sceptics ask for concrete evidence hard to find, but they are not able to deny this thesis.
What strikes me of the statue of Mary Magdalene placed on the gable of the church of
Rennes le Château, and the strange snakeshaped fold that assumes the dress of the woman.
Professor Maria Samorì, observing the VIII station of the way of the Cross: Jesus Meets the
Daughters of Sion, pointed out to me that the hem of the tunic of Salvatore takes the form of
a snake.
I noticed that the reptile is
not crushed by the Messiah
but held with one foot and
stands before a woman
dressed in black (allegory of
death?). The snake is a
symbol of different facets,
ranging from the temptation
of sin, to the allegory of
knowledge (often dangerous)
astrology represents the
constellation of Ophiuchus
(see the booklet Le Serpent
Rouge linked to the mystery
of Rennes le Chateau).
Ophiuchus or (Serpentario)
is also the symbol of
immortality that twists
around the golden apple tree
in the garden of the
Hesperides (mythological
fable skilfully implied in the
decorations and parchments
of the church of Rennes le
Chateau. The Way of the
Cross, to the sculpture of the Magdalene placed on the gable where what strikes most is the
strange fold that assumes the dress of the woman. This representation reminds me of the
book of the Apocalypse where it is told of the Sign of the Woman of the Dragon: "At the
sound of the seventh trumpet, God's sanctuary opened in heaven, and the Ark of the
Covenant appeared in the sanctuary. Thunderous voices followed, thunder explosions,
earthquake, storm. "Then a great sign appeared in the sky: a woman dressed in the sun,
with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of 12 stars. Then appeared another
sign in the sky (allusion to a constellation?) With 7 heads and 10 horns (allusion to No.17?)
And on the heads 7 diadems; his tail dragged down a third of stars. And the snake stood
before the woman who was about to give birth to the baby ... The baby was then brought to
safety, it follows ... The great demon, the ancient serpent he who call the devil and Satan,
was plunged on the earth and with him also his Angel Nephilim?) Now when the red dragon
saw himself crashed to the ground, he ran to pounce on the woman ... which he sheltered in