Page 187 - Malay sketches
P. 187


      found no more favour   in the  sight of the  King.
      But there were many  who said  :
                       Nasruan        Bahtek
               "Sfyerti        dengan
                Ber-cherei jddi  sentosa."
      "They   are  like  Raja  Nasruan and  his minister
      Bahtek   their  union              their  divorce
             ;             brought  ruin,
      solace."         it was  the             of the
               Indeed,             opportunity
      proverb-monger,  and such  sayings as, "It is some-
      times one's own  forefinger  which  pokes  one in the
      eye," and,  While  you carry  the  Raja's business on
      your head,  don't  forget  to  keep your own under
      your arm," were heard on all sides.
         The  King  had a clerk who had served him faith-
           for             or more.  The clerk had a
      fully   twenty years
      wife,  and the  King's eye  fell  upon  her  approvingly;
      so the King sent the clerk into a far        to
      chase a wild  bird,  and bestowed his favour  upon the
      wife who remained under his care.  The  King also
      bestowed  upon  the  lady sundry jewels  of  price,
      things  that  please poor  heathen women with  hardly
      any  moral character and no education to  speak of.
         By-and-by  the  King got  tired of the  woman, as
      unprincipled  Eastern  kings  will  do,  and he  sought
      about for some  means, not to rid himself of  her,
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