Page 6 - Sojourner Newsletter-Winter 2023 Final revised
P. 6
The Heroes of ’76® Founders: Brother COL Christopher Van Deventer, 33°
By Edward W. Nolte, Heroes of ‘76® National Historian
Christopher Van Deventer was born in Clinton, IA, on 1 July 1874. He grew up in Tennessee and was
educated at the University of Tennessee, Columbia University, and the University of Michigan, achieving a
Masters Degree in Engineering. He worked as an engineer at Stanley Electric Company, the predecessor of
General Electric Corp. He pioneered hydroelectric power on the Tennessee waterways and worked to bring
high-tension electricity to San Francisco. In 1906, he established the Van Deventer engineering consultant
firm in Chicago. During WWI, he was Director of Operations and Personnel for the Chief of Engineers in
the American Expeditionary Forces in France, where he attended the meeting which organized the American
Legion and later founded the Castle Post of the American Legion in Chicago. Bro. COL Van Deventer was
President of the Adventurers Club, leading Federal and State participation for 1933-34 World’s Fair;
President of Chicago Post of American Military Engineers; and Museum of Science and Industry
Bro. Van Deventer was raised in 1905 in Woodlawn Park Lodge #789. He was a member of Lafayette
Chapter #2, R.A.M.; Palestine Council #66, R.&S.M.; and Apollo Commandery #1, KT, serving as Eminent
Commander in 1912. He was coronetted a 33° I.G.H. in 1912; was Most Wise Master of Gourgas Chapter,
Rose Croix in 1920; Minister of State and Orator, Oriental Consistory in 1927; and Grand Sovereign, Red
Cross of Constantine in 1927. He was Chief Rabban of Medinah Temple, during WWI and was installed as
Illustrious Potentate in 1920 on his return.
Bro. (COL) Christopher Van Deventer, 33°, was President of Chicago Chapter in 1922-23. At the National
level, he was N1VP (1924-27), the Father of Heroes of ’76 (1922-26), elected National Commander from
1926-1930, and elected National Commander Emeritus (1930-64). He was undoubtedly the most important
person in the history of the Heroes of ‘76 and one of the most important in the history of National
Sojourners. Although many hands and minds are associated with Heroes of ’76 development, Bro. Van
Deventer’s contributions and efforts far exceed those of anyone else. Without him, the degree would never
have come to National Sojourners, and would not have achieved the importance in Freemasonry and in
National Sojourners that it has.
In 1922, Bro. Van Deventer realized that the Heroes of ’76 Degree, a one-man show for 50 years, might
provide the “shot-in-the-arm” that National Sojourners sorely needed. Bro. Van Deventer coined the term
“Camp” and organized the first Camp, named Bon Homme Richard in Chicago Chapter in 1922. In 1923, he
and several Heroes from Chicago organized George Washington Camp in Washington Chapter #3. Camps
were subsequently formed in most Chapters of National Sojourners. Bro. Van Deventer’s belief that Heroes
of ‘76 would stimulate Sojourners has proven true beyond his vision. He instituted a military organizational
structure, gave the officers military titles, and called meetings “bivouacs,” and candidates “recruits,” who
were “mustered in,” vice initiated. Instead of one man conferring the degree on a class of recruits, a group of
men conferred the degree upon one recruit. Bro. Van Deventer carefully retained the original degree as he
received it and became the driving force behind forming a National Heroes of ’76 organization, similar to
National Sojourners, to preserve the original degree and its landmarks.
Bro. Christopher Van Deventer died 23 February 1964 at Rockford, Tennessee. He is buried in the family
plot in Knoxville, Tennessee. The March-April 1964 issue of The Sojourner reported, “Colonel Van
Deventer was without question one of the greatest men, Masons, and Sojourners who ever lived. His
kindliness and wise counsel served well in the early days of the organization of National Sojourners, and his
gift of the Heroes of ‘76 did much to expand its membership.”