Page 12 - Kelas XII_Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris_KD 3.9
P. 12
Down from the first age
It isn't something we fought for
Never wanted this kind of pain
Turned myself so cold and heartless
But one thing you should know
(Kowe ra iso mlayu saka kesalahan
Ajining diri ana ing lathi)
Berikut contoh jawaban untuk Task 2.
1. There are 2 verses of the song.
2. The song usea Javanesse language for refrain
3. (Chorus)”Never wanted this kind of pain
Turned myself so cold and heartless
But one thing you should know”
4. (Opini terbuka) berikut contoh jawabannya: The song is adressed for the couple who
have “toxic relationship”
5. (opini terbuka) berikut contoh jawabannya: The lyrics brings the implied meaning of
courage and a strong stand in the “toxic relationship.”
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